Can campaign achievements be wiped/reset?


Is there a way to reset campaign progress, to totally wipe it?
Well specifically I’d like my achievements gone - so that I could start unlocking them again, wanting to try and see how many of them I could get on Brutal difficulty! :smiley: Sure I could always play following the achievement requirements, but it’s just so rewarding to see achievements pop on screen!

Here’s one thing though! I do NOT want my Europe region (main) progress to be reset at all. Instead, well I have played campaigns and unlocked 100% achievements on Americas region too, and I’d like to have my campaign achievements be completely gone on Americas Region, while NOT touching my stuff on Europe region. (EDIT: removed possibly misleading word use of “accounts”.)

Is there a way to do this?

Login with your main account on the Americas region?

Or login with your second account to the Europe region?

Or… WoL is FTP now, so just create another account?

Ok I might have expressed myself misleadingly; I have only one account (I think).

Thank you, but I’d rather not go creating another account just for this.
You see, I can log in on Asia region - I do have 0% achievements there. I was just thinking of wiping my “secondary account” (as I apparently misleadingly called these logins on different regions) content rather than piling on a ton of account stuff. Also I would then know a way to wipe achievements later again if I need to.

But if there’s no easy way to do it, I might just resort to playing on Asia region when hunting achievements again.

Unfortunately, achievements can’t be reset. Like you mentioned all you can really do, besides create a new Battlenet account, is log onto the other regions and do them again there.

All right, thanks for confirmation! At least I’ve got Asia region left untouched. :smile:

What if I managed to got all achievers in all 3 regions? It’s not hard as last add on was released 8 years ago. I should buy this product again? Fortunately, StarCraft universe made by humans not god, so you don’t have to accept the this inconvenience as something natural as this is so. I do believe it can be resolved maybe not really easy, but it looks like you just do not want to do “unnecessary job” thus accepting your oversight. What people like me want from you is to consider implementing this feature in some upcoming patches, as there is a demand on this by some players and this will respect the diversity and keep players interest for the game if they not up to multiplayer at all. If you haven’t thought of this feature in advance, clients do not have to suffer for your company inability to foresee this kind of issue. You must understand that process for some people is much more interesting than result, so wiping out achievements is much more easier way to than adding some more with anniversaries, or anything like that.

This is really stupid that there’s no way to reset single-player stats.
Blizzard does its best to annoy its customers.