Bunny vs Trap was Embarrassing

Just treat everyone like they’re anonymous. Don’t focus too much on the identities or the likes, they don’t really matter. The alternative is to self induce schizophrenia like many of the forums are.

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You keep repeating that term but i bet you have not the slightest idea what that means and how it is used (your use is ridiculous and misplaced).
Sometimes using terms that you have no idea what they mean is a receipt for increasing the clown and moron index (you are in red territory).

Just saying.
A friendly Protoss friend.

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No I’m sure you know exactly what schizophrenia is like.

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My philosophy is much simpler. Accounts that are indistinguishable from one another are effectively the same, regardless of if they actually are the same person.

If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound if there is nobody there to hear it? Nope. For all intents and purposes, there was no sound.

If a person spams posts indistinguishable from another poster, are they really different posters? Nope. For all intents and purposes, they are the same poster.

Ironic that the ones calling me delusional are the ones that are living in their own delusions in the first place. Sorry I live in reality, that’s just how it is. If anything, you guys are the ones that make the forums a surreal place. If anything appears confusing, it’s because you guys create so many lies you start tripping over them and can’t keep up with your own facade. I wish we could have an objective discussion thread, but it has gone out the window ever since the crying went to overblown proportions almost a year ago.

Even if you guys were right (and you aren’t), you bawl your eyes out until anyone who disagrees with you just gives up. That’s not having a conversation. That’s just crying until you get your own way. I wish you guys could realize this sooner, but the window closed a year ago. Apparently the only objective truth on one side of this forum is to keep screeching until wrong becomes right. I guess if it worked for the far left, it could work for you guys too. Have fun with that

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So…exactly what PPP did? Convincing Blizzard to buff your race by whining to high heaven got you substantially more GM slots than any other race. So even if we were just abjectly whining to nerf Toss; how can you oppose it when you took advantage of it? Of course, the reality is that Toss is demonstrably OP in a BO1 and needs to be adjusted so that is no longer a fact. The other side of that reality is that it is unlikely that will ever change. Protoss will take more and more GM slots, the Zerg population will continue to decline sharply, and Terrans will eventually tire of nothing but TvT and TvP. In the meantime, for myself, I’m learning BW. I look forward to many games of 4 hatch before lair.

I agree, but on the other hand the BOn has also to be adjusted. It’s the request of 90% of Protossers here.
Less cheese, more consistency beyond 5 minutes.
That will require a redesign of the Protoss whole race. Not happened in 10 years not going to happen now.

That’s what everyone thinks you moron.

I was gone for a while, came back and everyone appeared to have developed schizophrenia in the time I was gone. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

The ignoramus continues to use words whose meaning the dunce ignores. I guess that’s the main reason those morons consider protoss nerffs as …buffs.
They ignore the meaning of words and if you start from wrong premises, your conclusions can’t be other than wrong.
That’s the reason why such scum can’t be employed in more important jobs than janitors. (they must even in that be supervised because the idiots might drink their cleaning liquids).


Ladder is not a bo1 in 2021. How long does this myth need to be perpetuated. The higher you go the smaller pool of players the more common rematches. Then you add in server preferences it’s even smaller… you say youve played 15 pvps in a row and how many times have you played these people in 1 season?

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He just came out of nowhere and started calling us schizophrenics. Aside from the fact that he’s defending a fellow whiner by namecalling, I’m tempted to just flag him as he is saying absolutely nothing in terms of discussion. At least OldWho had a “good” start in saying something remotely worthy of discussion. If these people just come out of nowhere and start namecalling (while also not contributing to discussion whatsoever), I think I will just flag them. This is a forum, a place for discussion, not a place for whiny children to throw out their tantrums. Smh… No quality behind the response from the opposition…

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Even stim is not advisable when they are about to get stormed but things happen in seconds.

I remember an old game from WoL or HotS Innovation vs HuK, Inno would go a lot of marauders to soak the damage of storm but you still need the firepower of marine

The problem about this match wasn’t balance, it was Bunny making it to RO4. Maybe the series was one sided but you can’t blame balance when it’s Bunny vs Trap… it seems like one Terran overperforms every season after Dream last season… who is it going to be for season 3?

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Currently the best games are played on the european circuit/mixed tournaments, GSL lately is pretty underwhelming with players with a huge skill gap leading to onesided results and even the usual top players underperform many times,first gsl rounds are weird,groups of death and then groups with barely any hype about it and many times one lesser player gets stomped without any real chance.

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I would also love to see foreigners compete in GSL since I’m under the impression KR has less up and coming players then EU/ NA. Maybe Percival (19) slowly can break through to the toplevel, but other then that I can’t see anyone joining the top tier on KR. I think they currently mostly have to resort to players who return from military service like DRG, Byun, Gumiho, herO and starting from august 1 ClassiC (and maybe in a couple of months soO).

In NA and especially in EU it’s a different story. There is much up and coming talent of which some players will make it through in the next years. Maybe it would indeed be good for GSL if some foreigners would be able to add more weight to it forcing the quality of the early matches go up a notch again. This changes not much to their main problem though : the lack of a vast pool with new talent.

Looks like my thread got derailed by clown collegewings in order to own himself yet again. What a shock.

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Looks like you need to start accepting that throwing a tantrum won’t get you anywhere


I have never thrown a tantrum over this game because I am better than 95% of the people who play it.

Everythread I have ever made was to address the lousy state of the game and to provide solutions on what would fix it. You on the other hand contribute nothing at all and just criticize anyone who has something to say about the game. You constantly downplay the ACTUAL state of the game and maintain there is nothing wrong with it and that its in a perfect state of balance. I honestly don’t know how you can even believe your own lies.

There are players from all skill levels including professional players who have been saying protoss is broken for over a year now and you are still in denial. You constantly use people’s skill level to dismiss their ideas no matter how good or bad they are. If its a pro you will say “of course they say protoss is op they want to place higher in tournaments”. When its some random guy in platinum you’ll say “you dont know how to play the gaem so balance doesnt matter”. Then when you get dismantled by proof you call it “throwing a tantrum” lol. I’ve accepted the death of SC2, its never going to change now and I know it because blizzard is a hopeless company. People like you are never going to be happy until every game is PvP because you’re not able to beat creative builds from the other 2 races.

You are weak and always seek the easy way out. You are the absolute cancer that is killing this game. You and everyone like you.

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You’re not fooling anyone :rofl: you’re the biggest tantrum thrower around here. Also everything you’ve pointed out, we’ve had some pretty big discussions over. It’s up to you if you want to drown in your own delusions or face reality. Or better yet, you should stop hitting your head with a mallet so you forget every conversation we have. We’ve had a lot of back and forths, and judging by this response, it seems like you’ve forgotten a LOT of what I have said.

No, I call it throwing a tantrum because you throw a tantrum when you and I realize your points aren’t holding anymore. I call it as it is. You start namecalling people aggressively whenever your points fail. If that isn’t throwing a tantrum, I don’t know what is. You are living in denial, and you will never realize it, because well, you are living in denial.

You know even when we have these constant back and forths, I still have given you the benefit of doubt many times in the past. I try to give you a baseline of respect because sometimes you at least try to get the discussion flowing (unlike some people). But call me weak for not wanting to argue with a crazy person after doing so for at least a year now. The only reason why I don’t invest as much time into our conversations nowadays is because you forget what I say and go back to square one every time. Why would I keep arguing with someone who has amnesia?

Also, I take it that you think you are being a strong person. If being strong is about namecalling, acting out emotionally (especially when things don’t go your way), and having selective memory, then I don’t want to be strong (your definition of strong that is).

And if you still don’t understand what point I am trying to make, why don’t you go look for the definition of “weak” and then look in a mirror? I think you’re at least capable of reading a dictionary.


My account is 6months old and you equate that to a year of arguing?? You don’t even know who I am yet you think I am TehBatz still. You are in so deep with your falsehoods, delusions and flat out broken arguments that you have to convince yourself that I am someone else just to boost your own arguments?

JEsus christ man you need some serious help.

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