Bring the Ultimate Units

We need to have more Ultimate Units for each map and wave!
In Void Launch, we used to get the Ultimate Race Unit like Mothership, Loki and Leviathan. But we dont anymore.
The coop could be more fun if we employ more of them.
For example have the be included at the start of 6th wave at a 15% chance.
I’d love to deal with a wave that may have some chance to turn the table on us.
Mothership - use Time Warp and Invisibility, have 750 Shields and Health
Greater Protoss Statue - Use Burning Eye Beam with greater Range (similar to Karax’s Collossus), have 500 Shields and Health
Loki - use Yamato Cannon and Missile Pod, 1500 Health
Black Hammer - use 330 mm Cannon and Immortality Protocol - 1000 Health
Brutalisks - “ability unclear” perhaps, Tissue Asmilation and _Monarch Blades, Have 1500 Health
Leviathans - Bio Stasis and spawn Mutalisks, Have 1000 Health.


Not against it at all but given the recently buffed unit compositions, it is unlikely to change any time soon.

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True… but I hope it comes sooner than MUCH later…

I think they were called Stone Zealots and I would love to see them again. I was also a bit disappointed that they weren’t used for Zeratul at all. They be a great Legion calldown, replace the Zealot calldown with them, they would still fulfill the same role, but also be better late game and all.


Agreed, Zeratul’s Zealot composition is such a disappointment compared to the other two.
It would be awesome if they buff their status and replaced some of them with buffed up Dragoon.

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Levis, Lokis, and Motherships actually use to be apart of the final wave of shuttles. They were removed the update that brought out Dehaka(?) and there was never a reason given nor was it in the patch notes.


There was no particular reason but it was fun though as it raised the difficulty, and a breath of fresh air since you kept pummelled same enemy units in every wave.

They should also consider making s new map around the idea of super units (should they ever get around to making a new map)


It’s still just hordes of marines / warpgate / zerglings which can be mindlessly dealt with by spamming your hero unit’s aoe ability most of the time.


Oooh yes! Like Torrasque rush from Belly of the Beast!
The map should be about defending your base and destroying this Hybrid Sovereign that comes to your base every time it is charged with power.
The boss should come alone at first but it strengthens and brings his friends! Eventually the Boss and his minions COMES WITH the regular attack wave!!

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Lol guessing either it bugged again or you clicked on the wrong person to reply to :grin:

Because the point wasn’t whether the buff was enough. It’s just the timing of it is all.

There are enemies besides that with upgrades, and besides the upgrade of minor units can show unexpected synergy against your forces.

Exactly, or like that last mission in novas covert ops pack (actually come to think of it that would be a PERFECT coop map)

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I released an edited Terin custom Terran Part and Parcel coop map that replaced Terran units in waves with the elite equivalents a while back. You can test it out but it might not be what you’re really looking for. Copy the map info into your computer’s Run to use.

I’ve been trying to work on a new custom difficulty with all the elite versions of units with all of the standard multiplayer and campaign abilities given to enemies along with some other changes.

The annoying part is that you also have to write in all the AI thinks: you can’t just give the AI a unit or ability and expect it to use it on its own, you have to include code for the logic of its use.

Pretty sure they were removed a lot more recently, with the reworking of Amon’s units