Bring starcraft to xbox series x

Is there some plans to make starcraft for xbox series x?

do you know how bad that will be, look at starcraft 64. also the game has no development team anymore, its basically dead in that aspect.

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Yeh I know that StarCraft 64 was not the best.
But console have come a far way since Nintendo 64.
I play with mouse and keyboard on my Xbox.

So there is no team working on StarCraft?

No. Unfortunately, development ended in late 2020.

But aside from the Xbox idea here, can’t microsoft deceide to re-open developpement (hire staff), in terms of bug fixing for example?

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Bug fixing does still exist but is prioritized by impact.

Microsoft technically can do what they want. I suspect they will use similar market and cost/benefit analyses to decide is SC2 is is profitable enough to restart.


I think they would wait until StormGate releases, to see how many people would be interested in that, before they return to RTS. I personally have a bad feeling about that game.

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Well age empires 2 was big even though Microsoft killed studio then couple years ago they were looking at games that had decent audience and saw that aoe2 had couple 1000 players.

So they updated it and got a team to promote it and made it on Xbox.

Now control be bad on sc2 just that units move a lot faster though but it be fun to play never less

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I just opened Steam Charts and see CS with ~680k players and Dota with ~470k players. Lol ~1kk players. I can’t find any information about CoD, but I assume it would be somewhere between CS and LoL.

This is what I mean, a couple of thousand players is not something what they would care about much. So, if StormGate is not going to have online of >100k players (you know the chances of that), I don’t think that somebody from AAA companies is going to be interested in RTS.

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Just think many would buy the game on Xbox series x.
Console missing a game like StarCraft to be complete.

Sad to know that blizzard don’t work on this game anymore.
But don’t stormgate have many of the developers created StarCraft??

I don’t see a console SC2 becoming a thing.

First, the PC and console multiplayer would need to be separate due to the advantage the PC players would have over most of the console players. Second, I don’t see money being put into creating a 2nd infrastructure for console players, which will likely be a small fraction of the playerbase.

Can’t say that since they did that with aoe2 and 4

Plus’s how they do it on aoe 2 broken into controller or keyboard which if controller can make where only play with controller.

Aoe4 is exclusive for xbox

Thankfully it won’t. I remember when N64 port was made to see Xbox give me the chills. I remember the team deeply regrated the decision to port it. It will be funny to see it with a Joystick.