After watching team warchest, GSL, and a host of other online tournaments (which I have been greatly enjoying). I think that Terran Mech could be greatly improved if they brought back radioactive cloud and gave it to the Raven. I feel the utility of that unit has become conditional. I think bringing back radioactive cloud can help force zerg and protoss to split more and micro more in fights where they mass units of just one type. I was wondering if it would help against mass baneling by selectively irradiating banelings in the middle of the 30 bane push or 20 Zealot run by?
I feel like it is a high skill cap move that will have some effect on lower ranked play, but profound effect on upper rank play, while giving AOE utility to terran. I think it would be best to swop it for Dorrito cannon, and balance it on duration, DOT amount, effect range, and DOT gradated effect from center.
Just a thought I had and I wanted to know what you all more expert people thought.