Bring back Wings of Liberty Multiplayer Games

I know, it was here many times. But could you bring back Wings of Liberty multiplayer back please?
Legacy of the Void and Wings of Liberty are two absolutly different games. One is incredibly fast with emphasis on miners harvest. Second is slower and for me better ballanced - (in Wings of Liberty works counters from your website). The games are here more interesting.
Without Wings of Liberty MP I do not have any reason to start and spend money. You lost your credibility after Warcraft III Reforged. Go to the light side and do something good. Pleased players equal pleased shareholders.


It is over. SC2 will never recover ! The game we all loved is dead and I dont think it will come out of it grave.


It would be so fun to play WoL ladder again.


broodlord infestor and old ravens. Nah wol surely wasn’t the best.


Though the balance certainly shifted in an unexpected manner with LotV, I still see it as better than HotS, which felt itself better than Wol. It’s true that the bases being less rich in minerals did quicken the already fast pace a bit, and that there is even more micro than before, but man… I don’t see myself playing long stale TvT sieges without liberators or current raven ; neither would I play TvPs without liberators/mines ; nor would I like to research siege mode against Z.

And I wouldn’t fancy getting placed one or two leagues above my own in said ladders just because nearly nobody play them. :ghost:

wings of liberty was the secconds best starcraft seccond 2 brood war ofcorse hots can get away with but lotv sucked bring it back

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Great post!, I agree, bring WOL ladder back right now! I hate LOTV tower defense, 12 worker start tier 3 units at 5 min game time, LOTV is not a real RTS.

Starcraft 2 Classic

“You think you do but you don’t?”


Personally, they shouldn’t have removed the WoL and HotS ladders. There was no harm in keeping them available for those players who wanted the nostalgic 1v1 experiences.

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“Someone once said you can’t go home again, but they lacked vision.” ~ WoW classic announcement.

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I totally agree. With the way Microsoft runs AoE allowing people to play multiplayer on all of the expansions, maybe they will do the same for sc2.

Removing the WOL and HOTS ladders was not Blizzard’s decision, the Activision people came in and removed WOL and HOTS ladder forcing everyone to play LOTV when it went free to play, because they didn’t make sc2 and can care less about the player base, all their money comes from their own FPS games. They also removed Blizzard hosted sc2 big game hunter maps and other game modes that people played all of the time. Now people have to make their own custom games.

I hope Microsoft does the right thing and makes SC2 great again.

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even though they removed the ladder, you can still play melee in wings of liberty mode. at least it was possible last time i tried. i only did it once however, as i found it to be too limited. maybe they can add back th other ladders if they add the game to steam.

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