Bring back the expansions ladder, HotS, WoL

Just stop this sh**ty melee design, skrs.
The balance can’t be more blinded on current game.
Put the carrier, BC, lurker users to heck, and see what was the correct normalized melee data.


yes or make a SC3 and take out the baneling if you already have the lurker, take out the liberator if you already have the banshee etc…too many overlapping units.
And for god’s sakes man the development team HAS to get rid of auto cast. Make the shield battery manual cast with cool down like it was in BW. Take away the auto attack that high templar have (that only Tassadar had in SC1). And finally trade snipe for lockdown on the ghost.
Then you’ve at least started making a better game.
Oh yeah and make the queen a flying unit again…and trade the viper for the defiler, trade the void ray for the scout… trade immortal for dragoon, trade viking for wraith
Do these things so that way you have light units that fulfill a certain roll and don’t have busted armour and insane damage. Think about it. If you are FORCED to actually micro your units and structures and your units don’t have the amount of damage and life an armor that only a hero unit should have it makes skirmishes more balanced out and interesting instead of being “welp, army melts, game over.”

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high dps / low ttk is bad

it prevents micro lol

most auto cast abilities feel clunky as hell and super obnoxious when you have to manually cast thrm
in low time environments like sc’s fights, you need player button presses to actually count and be useful.

Eh personally I think it forces micro to mitigate your units from dying IMO.

Stormgate is honestly more Deathball-y than sc2 really ever was outside of WoL.


Actually, WoL and HotS had insane balance issues, if they ever bring it back, they still need to fix/redesign many things, or it will be even a lot worse than LotV