Blizzard activision employee lay off total

So watching Someordinarygamer today and got a look at the total layoffs last month from microsoft, which was 1900 with the majority being from blizzard and activision. Thats alot to get layed off, which makes you wonder aproximately how many were working at blizzard before the layoffs and how many are left. Gotta love how microsoft bought them and now layed off a good bit too. and this was all before the end of january, not sure if they did anymore since.

I think main layoff is concept of new ai since majority of employees are coders but ai can literally do there job and is better. So there is no need for them and this is going to be wide spread once ai will start being employed at Walmart. Everyone will no longer have job.

could be, could very well be. the ai is getting insane already. I wouldnt doubt in the next 20 years the terminators come for us. You’d think that with enough movies about robots taking over, that we wouldnt mess with ai and make it this smart. BUT NOOOOOOOO, here we are making super smart ai.

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there is always couple insane persons in the world. thats enought unfortunately.

Even the dumbest intern would write better code that an AI can.

They bought it to get IPs and a few skilled people who have not left yet.


Programming jobs will always be safe. It’s identical to meta gaming in sc2. An ai is trained on data and it hones in on the most common builds and strategies, because it has the most training data for those. If you do an off meta build, there is a 0.0% chance the ai will copy it. Ais require tremendous amounts of data to train, many millions or billions more data points than humans.

Programming is a trillion trillion trillion times more complicated than video games, so ais that program will only hone in on the most common and most basic tasks. Tge fundamental issue is that ai is basically a complex input to output map. It does zero analysis and reasoning. Without the ability to reason, the ais will never be able to solve the same class of problems that humans can solve.

Ai modeling is a powerful tool that magnifies human intellect. The ais would have to grow faster than they cause human intellect to grow. Frankly that’s impossible. Human brain has 100 trillion synapses. Assuming the neuron and synapse are the smallest computational unit in tge brain, which is almost certainly false, it massively outclasses the measly 5 billion transistors in modern cpus. Modern cpus are reaching their theoretical limit and can barely simulate the brain of a bee (literally).

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