BLAST FROM THE PAST! How Starcraft changed my real life!

Hey. I love all of you guys including the people that call me “whinner” and “idiot”. But today I want to share you my personal experience with Starcraft series and how it affected my real life. Most of the very young kids (babies) first words are “mom” or “dad”. My was: “You wanna piece of me boy?” proudly said to my dad at my youngest age like a true SC1 Terran Marine. He had a hope in me that I will one day fly to space and finally kill the zerg for good but I ended on these US Starcraft forums with you guys. Which is a bit shame (no offense) for me and the family but once wise man said (spoiler: it was Yoda from Star Wars): “learning you are, young Terran… But Zerg stop you must. They bad, they noobs and they usually whine. Chosen you are to stop this clown fiesta! Do now you must, young padawan! So go, go and show them the power of the real jedi” So I’m trying… Sometimes I might act stupid or angry but I’m there just for you guys. For your entertainment, for the better balance and ofcourse for the meaning of the real human bean whatever it means (I really don’t understand it because of my meh english but hey…).

Anyway, following the thread topic name how did Starcraft changed your life? I had a great fun online in SC1 fastest possible maps back in 2004 and in Wings of Liberty! Spended alot of time in it. If I wouldn’t spend milion hours on Wings of Liberty between 2010 and 2013 then probably I would have wife now. It’s like a Terran “window” to attack the zerg. If you don’t do it at correct time, then you are dead.



Idiot Whiner

Whiner Idiot?