Best Co-Op Commanders to work alongside Stetmann

So my usual SC2 partner with whom I play also co-op, is fixated on Stetmann. I have a more of an achievement-hunting pattern, so I’d like to play with him alongside the following commanders which I never played with.
Who will compliment Stetmann best?

  • Tychus
  • Han & Horner
  • Dehaka
  • Abathur
  • Alarak

Either HH, Raynor, or Swann would be perfect when pairing with Stetmann.

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I would say between zones and gary, stetman doesn’t need much help
Tychus is a solid early game partner before super gary but that goes for everyone really.
I would say hh and raynor benefit the most from stetman from your list

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I’d think Alarak is simplest.
Since Stetman heavily rely on zerglings you can just mass blink slayers and call it day. Structure overcharge can be used on stetlites making defending really easy. Also stetzones can heal his protoss army.

Stetmann is pretty much self-sufficient but does struggle pre-super gary. So any commander that can help him ramp up or cover the early game would be great. I’m thinking somewhere along the lines of Kerrigan or Swann. But Karax would also be good, you can’t go wrong with repair beam and slightly faster build times.

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What about Zagara? Her ability supports troops and get stronger the more troops are on the field and so as Stetmann being another “zerg” should she not work well too?

I guess the frenzy would work as well on mecha zerg too. And Zagara is pretty good early game with her insta morph zerglings and hunter-killer summons.

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All see to be good in their own ways…

Tychus - Another hero unit alongside Super/Gary is nice to double and soak up the damage. Gary’s generally got healing via green zone, and shield via stetalite overcharge, but a little redundancy in healing can go a long way

HH - Stetalites provide vision for MM. Flying Reapers would benefit from blue or green zone

Deh - early on, returning green zone for healing is nice

Zagara I already have 3/4 achievements if memory serves. I wanted to start from a new character with 0/4 achievements

Stukov – no other duo can bring my FPS down to the single digits like these two

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Good. But from the list above…?

  • Tychus
    Advantage is he can handle the early game, letting the Stetmann pick in what direction he want to evolve. In that time, Stemann can offer Tychus some Stetzone support.
  • Han & Horner
    HH sacrificing Hellions equipped with Aerosol Stim Emitters could allow Stetmann to not have need for the blue zone as much during a battle, thus being able to concentrate more on healing or energy regeneration. Stetellites can provide vision for bombing platforms and other things.
  • Dehaka
    A safe choice because Dehaka and his army can be strong against most things, so handled properly it’s a good partner.
  • Abathur
  • Alarak
    No idea how to comment on those 2 in particular, since I play the troll prestiges.