Benevolence: Open challenge to all terrans boys

Sure that’ll work

Just send me message on bnet when ready since we added each other already

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Sorry, i will Drop Ace and take Velitey as co-caster.


For anyone who would like to observe. Add tura to friends.

Match will start in one hour (master vs master)

St. Benevolence helping cultivate new talent in the NA scene, as expected from the leader of the sc2 community.

So you’re gonna play zerg? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s def an advantage. It’s an easy to control army, but MMM should crap on it.

A simpler and benign challenge would be having to post a replay or VOD with every along every cry as a point of discussion, do you think you are better than your enemy and lose because balance?, post replay, do you think your pro shouldn’t lost the game?,post VOD and show how he did no mistakes. And of course, not using smurf accounts to troll or spam senseless posts.

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Match between tura and I will be starting in a few minutes. Just waiting for him to finish his current game


is it eu or na
20 char

NA so yeah 20 charac

Waiting for good news,Benevolent one


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1-0 for now
Waiting for game 2


Seriously, I’d be down to cast any showmatch or grudge match as long as I’m available!


Looks like the saint got slammed game 2.

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if you are looking for casters make sure to find the biggest balance whiners on each side to do it and make it as opinionated as possible.


I dont know that it proves anything but this topic intrigues me.

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Replay Benevolence vs Tura

Game 1: h ttps://
Game 2: h ttps://
Game 3 : h ttps://

Leader of the community lost 1-2

Game 1: Tura took early damage, Tura return damage with Hellion drop, but not enough. Tura never could secure a 3rd and gged.

Game 2: Game should have ended sooner, but I did a poor job ending the game at his 3rd. Game dragged on, and I gged out due to no AOE

Game 3: I pretty much got stomped this game

Conclusion: GG Wped Tura, toss need AOE against Terran



I was at work and now I have to leave again so I would’ve missed it anyway it looks like, but seriously more stuff like this pls lets have fun guys lol

Someone remind me to make that discord tonight actually. Or I think there was one that I joined a long time ago, might have just been for the zergs but I ended up leaving the discord I think, invite me again if that still exists.

Sorry, I bought shame to the toss community

Nah bro, obviously Terran super OP! NERF TERRAN! INFINITE DPS BIO WTF BLIZZARD!

(just kidding of course)