Apply that same reasoning to yourself. If I’m dismissed for being a GOD of sc2 then your lowly silver status means what exactly?
i begin to really wondering. fistfulofbias - do you have any mental issues? serious question.
Kid, you are silver league, saying to the GRANDMASTER PLAYER that he has #DunningKruger. You’re delusional.
“God of SC2” that has how much in tournament winnings? Gift cards don’t count, amateur.
Do you know what a woman’s genitalia look like? I don’t wonder.
I think it’s time to let the child’s rage subside. I’ll be back in a while supposing his temper tantrum has subsided (hopefully it isn’t perpetual).
LMAO Dude, I asked you a question. How much in tournament winnings have you made? Gift cards don’t count.
LOL that seems like a child’s answer
you remember you new fav vocabulary? ad hominem
btw its really a wonder, that youre still not banned.
Dude. No one cares who you are. If you disappear tomorrow, not even DaLiar will notice. He’s on a low psychological cycle. The only reason he cares about who you are is because you agree with him and he can lean on your paper thin “authority” as a sometime GM in this game… and it doesn’t matter how good your GM in Zerg was… because it’s untested, isn’t it?
imagine that not everyone has such a damaged mentally like you do. idc who is saying what. if i agree, i agree. if i dont, i dont. doesnt matter who it is. the thing is, literally EVERYONE in this forum agrees, that youre just a little whiner.
Why would I be banned? Because I don’t treat you with the deference you’ve deluded yourself into believing you deserve? You got respect when you dealt with my OP topic, spud. Every time I see you in a topic, you are ALWAYS insulting people as “whiners” or “noobs”. Every. Single. Time.
“Everyone’s a whiner (if they don’t agree with me).” - DaLiar
not everyone, you are.
“not everyone… just the people that don’t treat me in accordance with my narcissistic delusions.” - DaLiar
Go get a girlfriend, and give her a hug. Or lose a few pounds, then go get a girlfriend, and give her a hug. Seriously.
It’s HYSTERICAL how much energy these Zergbois spend attacking people for having opinions about Zerg balance.
uh, getting personal? ^^ cmon, you can do better.
LOL You’re not worth the effort, dude. Run (or slowly walk, gasping for breath the whole time) a lap.
can you explain me, why im suddenly fat in your opinion?^^ i cant follow that logic.
Because I’m convinced that if you invested half as much energy in a relationship as you do Zerg mechanics, you’d have the happiest relationship in history.