Balance Update - August 13, 2020

Balance Update - August 13, 2020

Here are some small adjustments we’d like to make to our initial proposals.

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Excellent adjustments, thank you.

For the next patch, please consider removing microbial shroud :smiley: .


Thanks for your work.
Don’t get to be miserable. Have a rest, if you feel tired.

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Both are very reasonable reversions. Although I really think they should stop touching Banelings and look at Ravagers (bile especially) if they want to focus more on ZvP, as while both are used in all 3 matchups, Banelings are used in far larger numbers and adjustments for Banelings can effect other matchups far more than Ravagers would.

Zoomray nerf is unfortunate but honestly 5.11 movement speed is definitely something that can cause a lot of problems.

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But what will be the replacement?

Let microbial shroud stick to units for a few seconds after leaving the cloud that way you can dodge storms/aoe etc.


“Stimpack: The infestor consumes the drugs of ingested marines, making him move 50% faster at the cost of 10 hitpoints. Lasts 11 seconds.”


when something is never used there is no need for a replacement


No, i meant the Infested Terrans needed a replacement.

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you mean like Storm?
or Disruptor?

Glad you heard the concern about speed rays getting faster than stimmed marines or cyclones. You still went for the proposed base speed buff though, so the impact on early interaction with vikings (kiting, proxy batteries) will still be there ; but, meh, since we have several options to defend this, we’ll see how it goes.

Reducing the banes’ nerf also feels right. Time to see how the new changes alter the meta now. :slightly_smiling_face:


Storm in PvP?
Show me a non troll game.
Protoss needs splash to win so disruptors are needed in every match up.

That’s what I’m trying to say. Zerg also plays around Splash. And we see it from toss.

I feel like an interesting PvZ balance change would be giving the Archon increased shield regen while inside the warp prism. Maybe 2x regen. It would bring Archon drops back as a more reliable build and give it a lot more potential. I don’t think it would have any major effect in PvP or PvT either.

Blizzard should just remove banelings. Zerg have a decently fair shot of winning right now and that shouldn’t be.


Sooo can we get with removing swarm hosts, disruptors, and widow mines?

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What about Terran? Can we get something please. Throughout the patches, liberators were nerfed anti-air damage, anti-ground damage. Can liberator build time be reduced a bit, like to 39s?
I also remember Vikings were about to buffed with 150hp but because of TvT reason, it’s not going through the patch.

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Sure, when Tempest build-time will be comparable with Liberator, let me guess you produce a Lib each 21 sec…
Let Tempest build-time go from 43 to 32 seconds (+Chrono 23 Sconds)…

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Wait wait wait…

You got feedback that late game in PvZ is balanced, and even Protoss favoured and you’re keeping the mountain of Protoss buffs?

Your changes, once again, are NOT consistent with the information we’re given. This is like last patch, where your team stated confidently that TvZ was in a good spot, then proceeded to flat out nerf Zerg’s two staple units…

You statements and your proposed changes seem to be contradictory… all of this seems rushed and doesn’t seem thought through properly… that or your straight up ignoring the feedback that you were given.


lollll, Terrans still think they haven’t been buffed enough.