Balance Update - April 28, 2020

Already nothing change for shake meta i guess

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I donā€™t knowā€¦ they could be braver. For example by making mothership immune to abduct, or maybe by giving some love to tempest, since they admitted late game in PvZ favores zerg. Well, weā€™ll see

I wonder if blizzard realizes banshees are used instead of mines to keep the protoss economy in check. You do realize it doesnt take 30 sec, or 15 sec to kill a detected banshee? Thanks for the oracle buff

I didnā€™t think any Terran player would have the nerves to complain about a patch like thisā€¦ WOWā€¦ unreal.


its too bad the 3 protoss buffs wonā€™t help you get out of diamond


Really you didnā€™t? For the first time ever toss didnā€™t receive a nerf so they had to complain about something

Terrible recommendations by the balance team. Other than the queen nerf literally nothing else makes sense.

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This is not sc2 co- op thread.

Only change that should stay is cost reduction on centrifugal hook, tbh

Pfft. Proxy nexus wins games all the way up to Code S. This changes everything. 1200hp DTs incoming.


Sweet. Look forward to the new adjustments.

Iā€™ve never heard a Terran complain that widow mines suck. Itā€™s one of the best units in their whole army.

Issues blizzard is totally ignoring:
The weakness of the tempest and void ray and their non use in general
The strength of lurkers vs ground armies
The difficulty of killing Queens.
The strength of creep. Changing the armor tag will do nothing. Creeps issue isnā€™t that units donā€™t damage it. Itā€™s that there is a lot of it and it gives free vision .
The fact that abduct has no drawback to the Zerg.
The fact that you cannot punish a Zerg for a fast third unlike how you can punish every other race for a fast third.


Btw, I think you were referring to the rare build where people go 2 gate fast expand, full wall off, on specific maps.

The problem with that build is, every time someone all-insā€¦ you actually fast expanded. I donā€™t do it to have a super fast expand. I just wall off cause why would I want adepts to enter my base or deal with the headache? And, I donā€™t full wall off if they donā€™t open adepts.

It also helps you defend all-ins/attacks a lot easier to be on the low ground. That way, they also canā€™t prevent you from expanding by containing you or w/e.

When you just naturally wall on the low ground, people never actually get to see whether you expanded or not. They just assume you did. Their builds are greatly reduced in strength when you didnā€™t expand yet. The problem others have isā€¦ theyā€™ve always expanded and their play is telegraphed.

you are right we didnā€™t complain about the widow mine being nerfed we just stopped using them. now just maybe now we can open with them again. and use them to the mid game

First time iā€™ve heard someone say HT hard counter ghosts, HT are actual trash once EMP comes into play. Better off switching to disruptors.


Finally, a good balance patch.

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Feedback change wonā€™t do anything for PvT.


I see widow mines in 8/10 games vs Terran. They are very much in use.


Dont worry hopefully the Terran suffering will stop and we dont need to whine anymore

yea protoss still gonna dominate with free third :frowning: thanks to chrono boost buff and mule nerf