Balance Update - April 28, 2020

Widow Mine Armory will grant invisibility.
Queen Anti-air weapon range 7.
Baneling> no longer +5 HP.
Infestor> * Microbial Shroud
Creep Tumor> * “Light” tag
Nexus> * New ability: “Battery Overcharge”
Oracle> Revelation
High Templar> * Feedback range

Finally, the longed for Balance update ! :hugs:
I agree with most of the diagnosis and fixes being proposed :

  • the queens 8 AA wasn’t necessary anymore since the liberator’s nerfs, yet did hurt a lot the protoss’ harass
  • The decreep’s buffs should help the vs Z MU without decreasing the cost-efficiency of early Z units. More compositions wiil be able to decreep. I like that.
  • High templars’ feedback +1 range will help in late PvZ, while the recent buffs of the ghost should even the impact in TvP
  • Mines will get cloak faster in some builds, emphasing the importance of detection in the builds/strategic responses, but not as fast as originally. Good trade-off
  • Microbial shroud is indeed currently underused
  • Banelings will return to their original HP, and were completely fine with it

If I may add some thoughts to yours :

  • Most MU are close to balance, but PvZ. SH’s locust are currently free-units, yet deadlier than regular ones, which is specially punishing against low mobility targets, such as protoss’ armies, mech armies, but also… buildings. I would consider making locusts workers/light units counters, instead of Nexuses killers.
  • BCs are currently being a bit too efficient as openers, and are eating away the variety of non professional TvT. A lot of players of the other races do complain about them. I wonder if teleport couldn’t be acquired via an upgrade.
  • I’m not sure the cyclone’s 3 supplies cost is really worth their 120 HP. This, combined to the lategame lock range trigger still being 7 restrains their use in late-game vs BLs and BCs
  • Lurkers are siege units, with the range and bulkiness of such, yet outspeed most regular army units. Hence leading to situations where lurkers could runby other sieged units, siege themselves, and still be cost effective afterwards. This while ravagers are notoriously not that good in lategame. I wonder if some power (+1 range ?) couldn’t be removed from the lukers, and given as an upgrade to lategame ravagers.

Lastly, it’s not related to balance, but some intermediate level players do claim having noticed an increase in smurfing/freeloosing since F2P. That practice would degrade the experience of play of many players, for the satisfaction of few ; while it could potentially be easily adressed. Please take a look over this issue if you have the time.

Thanks for the community update, SC2 team ! :smiley: