Balance Council needs to be fired

All terran got this patch are nerfs. Good luck to all terrans who aren’t top Masters / GM level .

Just say it , zerg and toss are easy races. Give ultra ability to push units out of way ? LOL lets make it easier for kids who didn’t even have to micro to begin with

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Queen costing 175 minerals is the biggest buff to Terran since free siege. The 16 expand 16 pool opening is just gone. Your second queen is 10 seconds late. Forced to do ericks opening and even then its too slow for the banshee follow up since you have one less queen. Every Terran I’ve faced on ladder has an obscene winrate vs Zerg right now.

Majority of Zergs just suck compared to Terran, you are all getting a dose of reality.

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LOL. That is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard.

You’ve all been getting a free ride with cheap queens and (still) cheap hatches, now you have to learn the game!

Yea totally. Three people can play this game as Zerg at a Professional level and now Zerg is the lowest percentage its ever been in GM and both Terran/Toss has always had twice the players as Zerg in GM. You’re delusional if you think the hardest race to play “needs to learn the game now”.

Why are you talking about GM for? Look at the general population, and Zerg had the highest average MMR, which means that the average player is better with them.

Zerg is the least represented race in all leagues and especially in Masters/GM where it actually matters.

Least represented doesn’t matter. They win more games on average.

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No they dont. lol. Zerg only does well at the professional level because Serral is the best player in the game. Every other player has a disadvantage in every matchup.

Statistics prove otherwise. Zerg had an average mmr 200 points higher than Terran, which indicates imbalance.

Ok show them Mr. Gold Level Insights.

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Its always funny when every race gets nerfed and terran objectively got the least amount of nerfs they still gonna cry the loudest.


Its a law of the universe, like gravity, or batz writing novels for posts


Dude those are AI replies. He isn’t typing anything.

Below GM / Masters 2 , it takes no skills to play zerg and toss. F2 a move to victory that’s all it takes

What’s the point of changing ultralisk to pushing units out of the way ?

Terran got buff by immortals , tempest , void rays ? you’re a clown

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I actually like the Ultralisk changes on paper, I’m all for making the game physically easier if the players still get interesting choices. This is a bit like SC1 vs. SC2 talk, do you believe the changes to auto-mining were good or bad? I like my strategy games to be just that, not mechanics training.

Fixed it for you.

Immortal got buffed? Surely, they cost 25 minerals less now, but have 10% less dps. Meaning its a nerf. Even if you account the total cost of 25/375= 6.666%. It got 6.666% cheaper, but lost 10% dps.

Void rays got buffed in this patch? That would be a surprise.

Tempests got +/- nothing. -1 supply but -1 range against air.

What did also get changed? Maybe one or two itsy bitsy things? Maybe something like SHIELD BATTERY OVERCHARGE REMOVED. Or -45 DAMAGE on disruptors for reverting the radius of novas? They dont 1 shot marauders anymore :smiley:

Yet you cry like there is no tomorrow, meanwhile your race got barely touched. Compared to protoss being gutted in early/midgame and their lategame disruptor is removed without compensation.

While the balance council actually stated that they wanted to buff protoss. Yet you see nothing but zerg and terran posts crying about everything.


I don’t think it’s possibly to fire people volunteering for free. As far as finding other people to volunteer, I don’t think many are stepping up.


I’m pretty sure every person here would be happy to be on the balance council, lol