The balance council have now decided for us that we can no longer do late game but every game MUST BE FAST or they will not be happy… I dunno what is going on over there but… im done!
I love the slow macro games its the REASON WHY I PLAY THIS GAME! Having a balance council telling me the reason I play the game is not good enough… Great job Council thank you.
The balance changes are all INSANELY biased towards terran for some reason and they have been for a while now making Terran the undisputed most powerful race in the game… and they have been for a while now yet with every patch they NEVER see a damn nerf to the most broken units in the game; Ghost and lib and even the cyclone is a giant problem for early game.
Protoss as a race might as well just get removed from the game with the nerfs they’ve been getting that were ALL unwarranted! There’s nothing left of that race… seems the balance council has already beaten us to that for the most part considering there aint much left and protosses NEVER win tournies ever and they havent for almost 8 years now… still protoss needs more nerfs tho? With zergs and terrans winning every tourney ever for the past 8 years CLEARLY lets nerf toss some more.
Then they’re making adjustments to zerg based on the fact that Serral keeps winning… IF ONLY ONE GUY ON THE PLANET IS ABLE TO DO THAT THE RACE IS FINE! but nope balance council has some other ideas… Either remove protoss or the balance coucil; WE CAN NOT HAVE BOTH IN THIS UNIVERSE!
Please go back to what ever patch we were on BEFORE THE BALANCE council and just FREEZE the game there like we did with Broodwar! Please I beg!
Been playing this game since release; this is THE patch that made me quit after 15 years. Good job balance council; I wish every single person that decided to stay a LOT of luck and hope ur a terran player cuz if not… ouch!
Blizzard you can NOT have a “balance” council that is THIS biased.