Balance changes

BCs are rarely even used in pro play anymore. this is more about fixing it for the rest of the ladder. It is not imbalanced, but it is a stupid concept to have a tier 3 unit teleport into your base or out of danger in 1 second. It is a design change for a concept that should have never been in the game to begin with. Imagine that they turned a T3 capital ship into an early harass unit, how is this fine?

I am for removing stupid stuff even though they are not imbalanced, my other example is SH, not imbalanced, but stupid unit that has no place in the game. Id rather they up the dps of BCs if that will make them viable than to keep this travesty.

Have at it with the IT, my concern is how difficult it is for Zerg to fight against Skytoss. Hard enough that the only way to face it is to sit on top of a spore forest while picking them down with abducts. Otherwise Skytoss wins. IT without rockets are still more useful. BTW when people complain about having an army made of energy, infestors cost resources and supply, and spellcasters are supposed to be more efficient. If not this, at least give Zergs scourges so that protoss will no longer storm skytoss their way through anything.

To be blunt, the biggest problem with Battlecruisers is the slow build-up and unit retention.

TJ is necessary to enable Terran to build-up a fleet–You can’t really use Battlecruisers without it, they would need to be kept out of combat until you reach a very high BC count and attempting that will usually kill you. You could reasonably nerf TJ (such as increasing the vulnerability time, increasing the cooldown, etc), but I don’t agree that you could remove it without adding a similar mechanic to preserve or build-up a fleet.

That would just make mass Battlecruiser comps absurd.

Usually that is a transition issue, not an issue with the power of skytoss itself. Zerg can handle Carriers and other air units quite well, but not when they are down several armor upgrades or underprepared to fight air units.


Id rather they look elsewhere to make them viable, as it stands its viability is limited to a harass unit. BC late is extremely rare and tp has proved it is not the answer.

I think Zerg can handle them, but the truth is Zerg and Toss in this new turtle to skytoss meta arrive to the late game comps in similar fashion. The issue is the following, there is one race that has to stand its ground in static defense to fight the other. while the other needs only to rely on its units. In open ground Zerg simply looses to skytoss since the feedback buff which is why build like the german taxi run rampage right now because pros are no longer comfortable going late game vs toss. Yes there is an answer to skytoss but it is definitely not a healthy one.

Ok, what specifically do you suggest.

A simple stat buff will most likely make Battlecruisers “broken” in critical mass without fixing the problems that render them unviable. Whatever replaces TJ needs to allow Battlecruisers to be used in small counts while the fleet is still building up; like TJ currently does.

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TBH I don’t see why they need to be useful while building up, carriers are the same way and I do not see anyone asking for tp (I dont recall anyone asking for tp when it was introduced either) . There are plenty of units in the game that need to reach a certain number before they are useful, and BC is just one of them. I see BCs as an ultra late game unit particularly from mech play.

If it was up to me and had to compromise, at the very least I would make it into an upgrade so that the delay prevents it from being used as an early harass unit.

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If blizzard started ballancing towards the rest of the ladder as you call it then they have to make alot of changes to alot of units, storms, banelings, widow mines, colosus or any form of splash damage that requires the opponent to counter with micro/positioning would have to be toned down as well.

The bc not being used much in pro play should rather be an indicator that something should be changed to get bc used more, either that being new maps that are better for mech play, buffs to the bc itself or buffing strategies allowing bc used as opener more frequently or even in terran lategame armies.

The issues where more zerg building unbreakable positions with static defense and killing their opponent with 20+ infestors with no way to punish zerg using energy to kill your buildings or units. This was kind of similar to swarm hosts in hots or pdd in hots where energy generating infinite cost efficiency with no counter from opponents leading to long predictable games that was not fun for either side to play or watch.

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So… It’s come out that Blizzard’s Team 1 who worked on this game got fired and was replaced by Vicarious Visions who are now absorbed into Blizzard. Wonder if they’ll continue balancing and if they do it more frequently and even then what their approach to it would be.

Protoss already has an equivalent to TJ to make Carriers useful in small counts: Recall! Recall likely contributed to the introduction of TJ onto Battlecruisers, since it serves as a very good example to make capital ship transitions viable.

Protoss units in general are also very durable such that they can always be mixed and matched into the same death-ball with little trouble (almost everything serves as a DPS pumper and/or a potential meat-shield).
Terran units generally do not operate that way. Bio and Cyclone comps tend to rely very heavily on mobility to counteract their low durability, and for that reason Terrran tends to trades less efficiently when you mix Bio/Cyclones with slow mech units that have friendly-fire or depend on the Terran army’s overall durability (Battlecruisers, Thors, Hellbats, Tanks, etc) to be effective.
As such, players are often forced into Bio (mech usually isn’t viable based on its difficulty reaching critical mass and taking/holding expansions) where using Battlecruisers alongside the army without TJ to escape simply isn’t a feasible.

In cases where a mech transition is pulled off or “viable”, yes Battlecruisers are a more useful addition to the army; but they are still very easily hard-countered and focused down before critical mass without TJ. Even if mech were fully viable, Battlecruisers would still require a version of TJ to be viable themselves.

You must be kidding - another mind control unit that steals other units for free ? Isn’t infestor enough for you ? Units like Dark Archon and Infestor have no place in this game. What else ? Maybe add Hive emulator from WOL campaign to Terran so that they can steal units as well.

Arbiter ? Basically it has been split into two separate units: Mothership and Oracle (stasis ward).

Protoss needs to be nerfed in the next month or the game is gonna die. Protoss is utterly broken and should be HARD nerfed. Like reduce storm dmg by 30% and purification nova’s size by 50%. Also nerf zealot by reducing its hp and increasing their shields.

Lol not even understand how this gonna work

Love the heavy handed nerfs for protoss. Y’all realize that professional toss players were getting dumpstered for years right?

And you have people saying: “Zerg can no longer fight Protoss in late game, so they have to rely on timings.”

??? Protoss for the majority of SC2’s existence has had to rely on timings to win, Protoss late game was has usually been the weakest of the 3 races (there are exceptions when they got buffed one patch and instantly nerfed the next patch or two.)

Let the meta stabilize, it’s the first time Z/T have actually had to develop strategies for Protoss rather than Protoss developing strategies for them.


Queen all in hard to beat if you not know how so z had lots things to fight

Terran has BY FAR the weakest late game since the beginning of the game because our tier 3 units are not competitive and gimmicky.

Protoss players represent 50% of the GM ladder for almost a year now. How is that getting dumpstered? You just want more free wins for your imba race.

And despite this “50%” representation, before Trap beat Serral in Dreamhack, Serral was on a 37 series winstreak against protoss. Serral isn’t a god, he lost games to Zergs and Terran but wasn’t losing games to Protoss? Hmm, maybe because Protoss were really weak at the highest levels?




Haha tier 3 terran weak unit yea say that too mass bc and a few ghost who can emp all your screen


I was thinking the same thing. Mass BC + few ghosts seems like the strongest game composition in the game. I don’t know how zerg or protoss can deal with that. Problem is - it takes eternity to get that. Most good players won’t even allow Terran to get to that point.

For p no way beat mass bc zerg probably hydra infestor viper queen witch corraptors since queen push now a thing witch roaches

Adept phoenix did not require counters from terran?
Same for Immortal sentry all in vs zerg?

TvP lategame in wol and hots…