Avengers: Infinity War copied the LOTV opening cinematic

Infinity War, 2018: Avengers Endgame | 'Avengers Assemble' Scenes - IMAX 4K - YouTube
LOTV, 2015; StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Opening Cinematic - YouTube

Honestly, Blizzard should sue.

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yeah not even close there bud, that would be like saying any movie that uses a battle scene is copying sc2. Theres litterally hundreds of movies that use a war scene cinematic like that. Probably about 80% of them came out long time before sc2 or for that matter sc1 even came in to the creators nutsak of a brain.

Honestly, a scene with a faceoff between two standing armies followed by a charge into each other is so overdone it’s cliche. Everything from Troy, to Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, to Gladiator. (All of which mentioned predate LotV, btw)

It’s not the battle that they ripped off, it’s the instant summoning of an entire army ouf of nowhere.

Summoning an army out of no where isn’t an original idea by Blizzard…

The Horn of Valere from The Wheel of Time. Whoever blows it can summon the Heroes of the Ages to fight for him.

In the LOTV books, Aragorn uses an oath to bind an army of the dead to him and summon them to fight for his cause.

It’s a trope in fantasy and sci-fi. The only thing Blizzard can copyright/claim for that is if the mechanism is a pylon powered warp conduit. Then you’re treading on their intellectual property.

Nevermind that their entire design of the Protoss race is almost a point for point replica of the Aeldari/Eldar from Warhammer; including their psi-powered warp fields/connections…

Nah, in LoTR, the sudden and unexpected (by everyone, including human allies) arrival of the vast veteran forces of Rohan, coming in behind the attacking orc lines, led by King Theodan, right at the very moment when the fate of Gondor seemed hopeless, is pretty much the same thing (only using signal bonfires instead of pylons). The orcs felt assured of victory, and turned around looking in surprise and actual fear at the arrival of a force of heavily armored mounted cavalry stretching across the entire horizon behind them. And yeah, that charge was way more epic a few protoss grunts. This was written in 1954, btw.

And several of the movies I mentioned show instances of reserving or hiding flanking forces to surprise an enemy who is using only frontal assault tactics. Pretty much the same thing (just without sparkly portals or whatever).


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They can’t.
There are probably plenty of people/companies/others out there that could sue Blizzard for something or another.
It’s just a question of who would ignite the spark that would cause the fireworks to go off in every directions.
Nobody want to start it, and see the explosions come around and bite right back at them.

Starcraft also copied all the scenes from starship troopers so it evens out.