As you should be starcraft 3,

I have an interest in that starcraft in ia new version can be similar to call to arms or Men of War Assault Squad 2 with a more detailed mechanics and more focused on the tactical aspect to give it more immersion and pamper more people more interested in Lore, which would have as a positive point not to compete with starcraft 2 for who looks for the most chess aspect, what do you think?

An interesting take.

The issue with most proposals for a StarCraft III game is that it’s just more of the same. The jump between SCI and SCII makes sense because of the difference with graphics, control, units, mechanics, etc. When people ask for SCIII, they basically just want this game but more, to which I don’t think that justifies an entirely new sequel.

But this video actually looks intriguing. From what I can gather, the way you play seems different enough to warrant being it’s own game. The idea of actually being able to go down and assume control of a unit sets it apart, and features can be added to this concept to make it more “strategic” or “complex”.
That said, this seems like something that can be done in the arcade already, so I still don’t see this being a true StarCraft III, but it’s going in a good direction.

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