Are these bots?

So there has been games where teammates would just build basic items then just stop doing anything else. For example, a Mengsk player build bombardment and continue to blast a key area, or a Stettman player who built three Hatcheries then set his Gary to patrol the base, etc. Those players never talk, but doing enough to create an illusion that they’ve done their share.

Is this a bot, or just them pretending to be fighting while doing something else?

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those sound like bots, but maybe they had to afk mid game, or they are just bad…

They are probably leechers.

I’ve done this at times… if a game is taking a long time to load and start, I’ll see if I can sneak in trip toe the restroom, grab a snack from the kitchen, refill the water cup, alt+Tab to check something online, etc. Sometimes, by the time I get back, the game can be as late as 0:45 in!

As far as others go, That’s my thought as well, although it wasn’t just the beginning. I’ve had partners be like this in mid-early to mid-late games. They don’t seem to be doing anything. I have to check that they didn’t leave the game (and that I missed the message), so click on one of their units/buildings just to see if I can now control it.

I’ve had an ally go afk on void thrashing, which I decided to see if I could solo the map, he didn’t do anything until the third set of thrashers, which he macro’d up, took his expansion, etc. by the time he had an army, I was trying to push up the last objective, the third set took my army a good thrashing, needless to say we lost, lol.

Leechers, so going afk some set up, let the other person to all the work?

That’s hardly efficient, no? The game could end much quicker if the person stays and do stuff, rather than risking a slow mission that could end up failing. I’m seeing this behavior in hard+ even.

Yeah, I can’t even explain their rationale. They’re even in HoTS leeching off of vs. AI games. IDG why they want levels but don’t play the game in a game/game mode that is non-competitive and in maintenance mode.