Are there anymore co-op Units/strcutures needs fix?

Maybe in vanilla the banshee not having splash is ok (for me it’s not ok even in vanilla), but for me banshee is a unit that has splash anti-ground. Which is true for Nova (their splash is inferior but present) and Raynor. For Stukov it’s like - let’s take away useful splash damage and give them… hp? Then they had maybe good dmg, but devs fixed that too - banshee don’t receive more dmg with upgrades anymore. So ability to get minor AA for the sake of making mass banshee more viable (something like very minor 10-15 dps vs air) (libs are not the answer, they are not invisible and they are melee so they won’t align very well with libs), or give them some sort of comsumable anti-ground splash (they will need ammo like tanks). For now diamondbacks are far superior in terms of focusing single-targets. Banshee are not useless but it’s very niche unit for specific situations.

You may dewarp unit by using spec new ability, that consumes warp charge from building. When you dewarp unit you get refund. But size of refund may variate from 100%, or some value minus unit’s lacking hp.

I want to see how you effectively use deimos viking. I can’t believe it just on words :smiley: Maybe we can play sometime and you’ll show me.

They don’t come back to life, they just get invul that prevent dying, then have their parameters reset, so technically they are not dying, that’s why this bug with nova occurs.

Talis glave main purpose is debuff, not damage. So no overlapping here.

You are the author of this mod, it’s your call after all, I’m just suggesting what instigators may have my my opinion.

You are right about me making things OP alot, because of this lot of people gave me this advice “If it is not Broken, Don’t fix it”.
From what I see Infested Banshee designed as a persistent dealer geared in endurance and it is doing quite well for it. I think Infested Banshee is in good position as they are.

VERIFIED: They receive upgrades with same value as the Raynor Banshees.

That makes sense, so they are “resetting” at death.

I have a feeling you are not entirely convinced that Deimos Viking transformation speed.

About Instigators, I’ll make them and show you later.

I wanna see those BCL changes in action

also i learned something horrible yesterday, bulwark field only applies to regular health and not protoss shields

also: how hard would it be to implement Hardened Shield on Artanis immortals? They’re lackluster in comparison to others’ variants (even Fenix has Taldarin), and I’m thinking maybe HS will help them with the durability aspect. plus, it’d combo with high templar/archons pretty well by letting them fast-charge their shields, and they provide natural synergy with the splash/aa of psionic storm combined with the single target of the immortal

Unfortunately that’s not how it works for Protoss shields.

I tried to implement them before for Zealots in Telbrus Legion calldown, apparently they don’t exist (Maybe they do but hidden). I’ll keep looking.

bulwark field should just be a flat -3 damage reduction just like guardian shield, but it’s not, which is so weird

Wait, can Stalkers escape Fungal Growth by Blinking?

I am not sure. They can’t blink while they caught up in fungal itself, neither the auto-blink activate when stalker still has shields. But if it’s projectile effect, it’s possible to blink until projectile with fungal explodes.

Vorazun Stalkers and Zeratul ambushers hit by fungal growth cannot blink. Alarak slayers activate phase armor and ignore fungal growth (can move and blink)


More range for Zagara’s bile launchers.

Dehaka’s swarm hosts / creeper host spawns should go to the selected target without hitting other things. They have to be manually controlled after spawning which really reduces the fun.

yes on Zagara’s Bile Launchers but not in the way to improve their range. but their attack capability. They are very hard attack as their projectiles are slow and doesn’t have auto attack.
Maguro apparently made fantastic version of Bile launchers you should search it in youtube
But no on Primal Hosts and Creeper Hosts they are very powerful already and making them smart cast would be too Overpowered.
The key is controlling the Locusts/Creepers to target what you want.

I decided to give long ranged anti air weapon of 75 as they blink. It is still under development but it is unlikely that Co-op teams will implement because they already expressed that they will not implement anymore units into the commander.

How much more? Curently, they’re at 15, with +10 after range upgrade.

Devs are unlikely to do anything. Adding unit that Karax obviously miss is not a big deal rly. Devs didn’t swear that they follow every promise they made, and even if they were i wouldn’t change much - if they wish they will do it. Ofc any minimal change is unlikely to expect. But bottomline is Karax misses that AA ground unit spot. It may be some kind of different dragoon, if everyone dislikes stalker. It’s just purifier stalker model already exists and may be used. No big deal in using another one stalker, especially if you don’t have alot of alternatives.

I gave auto cast for the stalkers, it worked but unfortunately the stalkers “blink” into the enemy lines.
I’m trying other things time to time but it will take time to perfect.

Is it possible to point vector for auto-blink?

I’ll keep looking.
I have a question. If they have autoblink, which way you think they should go?
Behin the most army crowded (yours and ally’s)? Or Anyway that is away from the enemy?
The risk for the “latter” they may blink somewhere there are more enemies, where it is trapped or where Mutation is (Lava Sprout, Blizzard field etc).

I can see its use but is auto blink really necessary? You can easily pick the one you want and blink them away.

I hope Editor have some useful validators for that.

I really can’t. Thing about auto-blink is it covers you in the moments where you just can’t control. Mostly manual bink is ok but when you have midgame and endgame engagements it become really obvious you can’t control each stalker. Ofc they should blink at the back.

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Even nominal improvements to SoA and/or towers, and I’d be a happy camper. For the former, making SoA level upgrades more cheaper. For the latter, making all towers and Pylons 20% cheaper.

Vorazun’s Corsairs all auto-casting Disruption Web on a few patches - can that be fixed so that Corsairs won’t cast it on a patch where it’s already present? And preferably not cast it just after the edge of one, ending up with nearly the same but wider spam-cast of DW (this 2nd part might be harder to implement).

(I know the workaround is to micro by disabling the auto cast on some/all Corsairs.)

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Not sure how I can implement it with autocast, but it is better to do it in manual control.
It’s same with Dehaka’s Creeper Hosts. They are extremely powerful suicidal units but to avoid them being so OP, the developer enabled them to only go for one target. So if there is a target you want to attack you need to control some of the creeper manually.