Archon campaigns

How easy would it be to get the entire campaign in archon mode. I know my brother and I would love to relive the story together.

Chech out on Arcade on EU “Coop Wol” and “Coop Hots”. All maps are localized and have interestings features, i enjoyed both campaigns. You must have Hots to play Hots Campaign.

This is a common request.

But it doesn’t exactly sell.

Is Archon mode that fun? I tried it, but could enjoy the mode.

The problem with Archeon mode is you need two people to play it, and I don’t personally know a single human being who shares my taste in video game.

I guess my brother and I are rare then but we live archon mode. Feels like sc was always meant to do archon. I played it in brood war and it makes sense to me because there is always more to do than any one person can do.

That’s actually not true, which teaches you just how slow you are. I’m by no means great but I recognize my massive gaps in skill compared to other players. But yes I agree for the average human archon solves a lot and for me leads to a more enjoyable rts experience.

They had some pros playing archon mode awhile back with a rule where the winner plays a match without their teammate, and this asian went solo vs americans I think it was, and still crushed them solo.

I would love to have seen that match. It would give me a good idea of the benefits of archon (and the non benifits).

Well, yes, however, the same is true for your opponents. I don’t think the match making will ever pair your with those pro who don’t need any partner.

Never mind guys I found coop wing of liberty in the arcade. It isn’t archon but it’s still really fun. Thanks to whoever built it.