Arcade Crashers are back

People stupid enough to do this get caught. Then they get charged and sued, go to jail for a few years, get out and are barred from using a computer for a certain amount of years. Repeat offenses or breaking terms of the parole will lead to them going right back to club fed.

So while they CAN do that, their gravy train is going to come to an end pretty fast and abruptly. This is why any real hacker doesn’t do crap like this once they mature a bit and figure out their priorities a bit more: risk of getting caught…to do what exactly? Spite a map maker who didn’t want them cheating in their map? That’s like burning down your parents place because you didn’t get ice cream for desert. You have to be a total psychopath and really stupid to even consider that course of action.

…I believe the original hacker was HighVoltage, but I was informed he was doxxed and arrested. IF This is true, this is his friends. IF not, then I wish to mention that HighVoltage’es extra accounts aren’t exclusively new ones. They include stolen accounts. This is from experience dealing with him.

Either he has had a myriad of like 20 accounts he abandoned from years ago and can act very thoroughly as a different person, is friends with every single person who he used the account of, or he has stolen accounts. All accounts I’ve seen him use are either abandoned by a minimum of a year or are fresh accounts. No inbetween.

This is a factor I’ve yet to see brought up once. If this was disproven ever, I am willing to hear evidence contrary to it. However, this issue may be slightly underscoped. I havent seen any stolen accounts recently this year, but this guy has been active for a while, crashing games from the inside. I do highlight this info so that there may be more information poured to those who actually have ways to understand the implications of it or the capacity to disprove it.

NOTE: This is NOT meant to fearmonger, merely to highlight this is the THIRD Hacking case involved in this user’s history. Any stolen accounts have been abandoned, meaning he intentionally does not target active users.

why would you steal accounts when the game is free and you can make unlimited accounts.

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Deception. Tricking people to let them in. They didnt used to destroy Arcade. They used to JUST Crash games that had kick and ban options.

Kick and ban options designed to counter-act their disruptive gameplay. Then when they got shadow banned in a way they couldn’t work around, they threw a tantrum and decided to blow up the entire arcade instead.

Its 100% his lackeys. Theres an entire discord dedicated to this cause.

Cut off the head of the Hydra and 2 more spawn.

Theres no stolen accounts here, its just his lackeys carrying out his work.

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Arcade absuer is back, uploading bad faith maps. Blizzard really need to find this loser and sue them + forward their info to the FBI cyber crimes division.

Ban them all, forward their info to the FBI cyber crimes unit or appropriate federal law enforcement agency in their country.

I meant there WAS Previously stolen accounts.

Its irrelevant to them causing the crashes. Now they made an alt account impersonating the map author, Smith, as hosting the broken lobby.

It looks like It’s very hard for to ban these accounts and move on, seems like blizzard is reactive and not proactive. Bunch b-net.potatoes that cant ban an account.
I’m out.

Problem is the game is F2P with no real good authenticator. Blizz tried a good authenticator for OW2 but it didn’t allow numbers from certain carriers so they had to dial it back.

What they need to do is just go after these kids R* style, get the FBI Cyber Crimes unit involved, really screw them over legally. Make them a cautionary tale for anyone that stupid living within reach of the law.

Blizzard need to be Old Testament here, they gotta draw blood for everyone to see and smile while they do it.

As great as that sounds, unfortunately this game isn’t as high on the pedestal to blizzard as it used to be.

If this kid was attacking Diablo 4? FBI would have knocked on his door 2 weeks ago.

AFAIK that already happened this is a revenge discord group carrying out attacks. Not the original guy. Could be rumors though. Grain of salt and all.

Nah, this was never a 1 man show. Regardless of what has or hasn’t happened to the main culprit, this was never going to end by just stopping him. Cut off the head of the hydra and 2 more spawn.

Its not a “revenge” discord, its a discord dedicated to getting PARASITE - TEST delisted from the arcade, no matter the cost or methods used to do so.

Sounds like a great way to get screwed by the FBI. Literally RICO could apply here.

People are defending him as if this isn’t cyber crime. Past crimes ARE Relevant to notate he is more than a “Troll”.

Never said it wasn’t irrelevant to whatever nefarious activities hes been involved with. But its not my place to comment on legal matters. I just play games.

At the end of the day this is a vulnerability that blizzard can, and needs to fix.

They’re not saying he isn’t a POS, as anyone who isn’t also a troll knows that he indeed is one, they’re simply saying he may not be criminally liable. The exploit only affects SC2, and nothing else. So he is not willingly destroying anyone’s unsaved data or anything like that.

This doesn’t mean Blizzard can’t try him in civil court, or fix the exploits fully. But if you can name a specific law he can be tried under, I’m sure many here would be happy to hear it.

RICO with the name of the lobby earlier implying if we paid for their patreon they would stop the attacks

Its framing the creator of the Parasite test map.