Arcade being hacked again. Direct strike games

Infected versions of Direct strike being used to crash and wipe data along with who knows what else. I have lost all of my save data due to a joined game started from an infected lobby and crashing SC2.

I eagerly await Blizzard’s response telling me “BATtle Net CanT BE HacKeD YoUre JusST StupID” that I’ve gotten before for reporting hackers.
You are a multi BILLION dollar company, fix your security instead of telling us players we are idiots. We are the ones paying you. (So maybe we are the idiots then). Thanks!


This one is so much worse too because of the nature of the issue at hand. Like, we’re talking about very real litigation issues if damages occur. Blizzard needs to get on this post haste, you cannot have legal liabilities around like this script injecting.


Hello !

I encountered this hack in the middle of a direct strike game. First, they were graphical issues about certains units (thor, hellbats - +1 air dmg upgrade was disable too).
Then, I experienced some heavy lags and a few moments later the screen got blurred. A video appeared and it was very weird content - unpleasant.

Hope my testimony can help.

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yup, i got the same “weird content” clearly designed to scare people out of the game. poor kids are going to be scared witless.

No updates in recent memory have been actually GOOD for the game. NONE of them.

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Im looking at the arcade website now. There are no open lobbies at all in any region, unless the website is down

Is there any news if blizzard has fixed these issues or not yet? I am looking on NA and Direct strike lobbies are very low, not only that I would presume that the hacker bots are probally 80% of those lobbies. (if the issue is still there)

I think the bot scared off most of the players. And until Blizz actually makes a statement, I won’t even play it unless I personally host the lobby