APM is not important

I already said. Giving an action to the unit IS part of the APM and already counts towards it. It is also part of the replay, as any other action. But the mouse movement is not.

Nope, you said mouse location data isn’t stored in a replay and therefore can’t be counted. You are straight up wrong.

How can it be wrong if the mouse position is not saved? When the player gives an action to the unit, the game adds +1 to the APM and saves the coordinates into the replay. If the player moves his camera with arrows instead of mouse, it would still work the same. Any ACTION is counted towards APM. Where was your mouse before that click, how much it moved to reach a specific location, it not part of the replay. But every action is, no matter if it was done with mouse, trackpad, keyboard, joystick or anything else.

Why don’t you just go into sc2, start a game and try to move your camera, click into the ground or create a camera binds to see it for yourself?

The mouse position is saved. It’s saved every time you issue a command, for example. How does the game know where you clicked if it doesn’t save where you clicked? Think about this for a second for crying out loud. Oh my goodness, this conversation is a waste of time.

Maybe because if you had at least a bit knowledge about programming, you would know that it is possible? As example:
Unit ID001 → move X 13.056, Y 76.023
Unit ID009 → selected
Unit ID009 → collect minerals X 81.069 Y 76.765
That’s all you need to save in order to replicate the original game in the replay.

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Sorry, not reading any of your posts until you post a picture of a highschool diploma.

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Nothing surprising at that point. GM with cheeses, problems with reading and logic, now I get where Techbaz fame comes from.

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LOL Batzy chickens out with the ultimate beta move. Nice one.

To be clear, I probably won’t believe you even if you post one.

You don’t even believe the graphs from the researches you quote, I am pretty sure you won’t.

This reminds me of this bronze player i used to coach in my clan years ago who said something like IQ equals APM. It doesn’t matter how low or high your APM is, you’re still retarded mate

IQ is only useful as a rhetorical tool. It has standardization issues. They way the Big-5 personality categories can be replicated is by asking lots of various random questions. The answers co-correlate into 5 distinct clusters. They tried to do the same with IQ, except it always converges on 1 category which is working memory. In other words, they have no clue how to measure intelligence. A computer has far more working memory than a human and a computer is dumb as a rock.

It gets worse than that. The trouble with trying to measure working memory is that what types of information people can remember is highly biased by familiarity. If you ask a chess player to remember a typical chess board layout, he’d do pretty well. But, if you ask him to remember the layout of a totally randomized layout, he does as well as a non chess player. So, working memory holds information in your head by matching a pattern that it already has memorized, then outputting that pattern from long term memory. How are you supposed to design a test which could possibly measure working memory across all domains of familiarity? It’s not possible.

IQ is just a joke in general but as a rhetorical device it’s useful.

Of course and that’s why you came here to post your insecurities, so that you can convince yourself and clarify that you do very well and that you are a good type of fun and peace, applause, the next time I have an APM of 160 I’m going to wear to cry and remember, why can’t I play like this relaxed and amorous man with his 40 APM? how sad my life

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This game is not hearthstone, there is no timer between turns where as long as you put all your APM within that timer the result is the same no matter when or where you spent the APM. Even in hearthstone there are turns that require a higher APM to execute all of the actions in time.

Imagine there is a set of actions that can occur at any moment in starcraft when the game begins, the longer the game goes on typically more units will be built and the set of actions that can occur increases. In order to stay in line of what must occur or otherwise thought of as the optimal set of actions the APM requirement to meet this set of actions is constantly increasing. APM is not only important but fundamentally required.

I can go back to my first days playing Raynor in coop where I would build orbitals for the scans but didn’t know what a mule was. I can look at today where I almost don’t know how the entire tech tree for zerg works. At some point between these two times I had to tell myself that I needed to raise my APM, and my idea of how to do that was not to make sure I can press buttons faster. You need to know what to do before you can do it.

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73 posts and no one has mentioned the wide use of rapid fire artificially boosting apm through the roof.


Thats Generating Skill OK ?

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Yeah, the zerg has to spend more time doing their macro cycles and it’s harder to fit those into an action packed game inbetween splits, focus fire, creep spread and counter attacks; but we shouldn’t count this in the APM metric because that makes forum whiners uncomfortable.

See, this is the kind of BS I have to deal with when posting there. It’s like I am a kindergarten teacher for crying out loud. Of course rapid fire should be counted in the APM metric and, no, it’s not an “inflation” of APM.

Let’s do a thought experiment. Suppose that Terran has to rapid-fire 1000 clicks to make each Marine that he wants to produce. Is this going to make Terran win more games, or lose more games? OK so now that we know that rapid fire has a cost and that that cost clearly impacts your odds to win, we’ve established that it requires skill to use. People love to point out the APM spammer who had nothing to do all game but spam like crazy, yet they never look at the person floating minerals because they can’t find the APM to squeeze in a macro cycle. We know for a fact that players float money, ergo they don’t have the APM to squeeze in their rapid-fire macro cycles. Floating minerals is probably the most common mistake in the game, in fact. That is cut and dry proof that rapid fire is difficult to do. The amount of bias on these forums is astronomical.

or…or you could just hold down the button.

i guess that would be too simple.

Also floating money and spamming apm arent mutually exclusive. ofc you can float money while also spamming a lot of apm. what if you mess up your gateway cycle as toss? what if you didnt build enough rax/production facilities as terran or what if you dont have enough larvae? what if you are supply blocked? a lot of apm wont save you from being supply blocked or having bad macro decisions

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https://sites.google.com/site/scelight/?pli=1 SC2 Scelight it lets you see the replay from the inside. This is how the replay looks like https://imgur.com/a/I4DqFTH.

It’s easier to open them with libmpq then parse the events file according to the s2 protocol example library that Blizzard published, unless you are wanting to attempt to aggregate mass amounts of data by hand. Alternatively you can use sc2reader which can be installed with pip and it can dump the events to a json file, and there are loads of json parsers out there.

Generally speaking, I find it easier to code my own stuff than to learn how to use other people’s stuff. It’s a piece of cake to write a file parser and pick out data that you want, but figuring out how some rando programmer on planet Earth has implemented his tool is like bashing your face against concrete. It’s legitimately painful to think in the way other people think. So if you want to parse events from sc2 replays, I’d recommend just opening the replay with libmpq, pulling out the events file, and parsing it manually.

This reminds me of a job I once did for a company. They had built a new tool and wanted to migrate a number of extremely large data sets to a new format that the new tool uses. The problem was that their parser for the old format made changes to the files during load-time, e.g. it cured defects, filled in the blanks, etc, and that created issues in the new format. It was a Saturday and the job was due on Monday. It was a tight time-table because they didn’t expect any issues loading the files and you just had to dump the data to the new format. I was up until 4 AM on Sunday implementing a parser for their old file format, from scratch, to load the data properly. The next day, in the afternoon, I implemented the ability to output the data to the new format and tested it. At 10 PM on Sunday I submitted the solution. The file format was very similar to JSON which is a fairly complex configuration language. I implemented a program that can parse that in one day.

I eventually stopped doing business with that company because the pay wasn’t great: it was 22/hour which is really bad for software engineering in general but someone of my caliber expects quite a bit more than the usual. If it was 45/hour then that’d be OK. I was fitting it in on the side and working on it during the weekends and it just wasn’t worth it. These people wouldn’t read my emails to answer simple questions for example. I ended up dumping them and they really don’t know what they missed out on. It’s their loss. Someone who can implement a JSON parser in one day is extremely rare. That’s something someone might do across a semester for a high level computer science course, and they wouldn’t do it from scratch (they’d use something like Yacc).