Anyone think we will get a new commander for Blizcon?

You act as though the two are mutually exclusive.

What changes would they be?

This only applies to maps since June 2018.

I’m not happy with the way things are going either but to say there’s been nothing is incorrect.

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I’m hoping for a UED commander.


I need Valkyries in my co-op life as well. Who’d you fancy as a leader more, DuGalle, Morales or someone else?

UED would be either dugalle or duran, since stukov is already present. they could however adjust levels and add a new commander.

As a character I prefer Morales, but she’s not really a front-line commander.

Duran wouldn’t make sense, being Amon’s lieutenant and all, DuGalle would. But don’t forget about Morales, she was a UED medic.

I would fancy a support hero for the army instead of a regular damaging hero. If the faction would get a hero at all. I personally like DuGalle the character more than Morales, but with Morales the faction could be a good support one.

morales was not in starcraft 1 at all. that is the only game where UED was present.

That doesn’t really matter, does it? She is a former UED Medic, and that’s all that counts.

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Morales is UED. She was stranded in the Koprulu sector after the Brood War, but she was born and raised on earth.

Morales’ background was given in Heroes of the Storm, before she arrived in co-op.

She was part of the UED Expedition Fleet and was implied to be one of the four medics used to tranquilize the Overmind in “To Chain The Beast” (the last terran Brood War mission). But she likely defected before the destruction of the fleet, and ended up joining Raynor’s Raiders after she got stranded in the Koprulu Sector.

Heroes has a portrait of her in uniform if you’re that interested.

Thanks for backing me, Stukov squad.

Shouldn’t be an issue. Neither were Swann nor Karax.

Man, now I wish Swann was a hero. Another Terran commander with no hero, so it’s 4 out of 6.

Honestly, I like to wonder now and then how neat it would be if they altered the Laser Drill aesthetically to have Swann in his marauder armor on the controls of the Laser Drill.

Since it is his hero unit, basically, it would have fit quite well for him to be manning it and firing it at his foes from its control station. Then they could just change the profile picture of the Drill to Swann in his armor, change his communication profile picture to Swann in his armor, and give a few of his voice quotes when manually controlling the Drill, and call it a day.

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That’d be great. I generally need more Swann in my life.

the last 3 commanders had hero units. it is about time to introduce one without a hero.


A manned LD? That seems redundant. Especially since it was automated in the WoL campaign mission they ripped it from.

That would make it “9 to 9”. However, more like 10 heroes to 8 non-hero COs if you consider Abathur’s UE as heroes (since they are bloody powerful, and carry the “Heroic” tag)

Except 66% of the Zerg factions, 50% of the Protoss factions and only 33% of the Terran factions has a hero unit.

the terran compaign is based less on heroes than the protoss or zerg campaigns. there is major heroes like nova and tychus and those are available already. the protoss in an anomaly however because they have very few hero commanders compared to hero units. zerg have very few heroes but, only stukov and niadra is unavailable as heroes i believe. niadra could be added at a later date however. acturus mengsk is not know as a hero that fights on the battlefield.