Anyone bummed about the cancelled STARCRAFT FPS?

After having lived through the whole SC Ghost thing, I’m totally bummed it has happened again, especially for overwatch 2 :unamused:. I kind of wish they hadn’t even said anything about cancelling it at all. Ignorance is bliss as they say… but I have been wanting a more immersive take into the SC universe for a while and it’s just disappointing that they were like “Oh we had this for two years but now nvm lol.”

wow your bummed out that Overwatch 2 got canceled? that alone tells me how much of a fan boy you are.
troll harder.

I’m bummed about the Starcraft FPS that got cancelled so the devs could focus on overwatch 2. Read my full post before you freak out.

no im not, theres a reason why starcraft is an esport and csgo and overwatch are trash.

Well that’s true, if given the choice between Overwatch 2 and basically Starcraft Ghost, I’m picking Starcraft.

Overwatch imo shouldn’t even be an Overwatch “2”. It should’ve been an expansion pack instead of a whole sequel. I mean seriously it’s just a bunch of reskins and a story mode (which Imo should’ve been part of the game in the first place)


110% bummed. I may have even enjoyed a fps if it had gone through


Welcome to Activision.

Who lost DOTA and are now forcing all indie map developers to sign away their rights to the maps they created.

In a similar way, they probably didn’t recognise that they could’ve done a Ghost PUBG instead of a Doom styled game. Then again, they probably figured that the Doom styled approach isn’t gonna have much micro transactions.

wow so the overwatch 2 is where they put the story/campaign?? my brother bought the game and im shocked when we found out theres no story mode…what a scam