Any memories of first getting into Coop?

Much of it has been forgotten, but some of it still dooes come to mind (and I started around 2016-17)…

I didn’t have this on my own PC, so I just used the public account at a video game lounge. Figured I go Swann and Karax since those were the furthest down that were unlocked, so I’d get an extra “bump” there (assuming the COs furthest down the line were better, more $$, and “more fancy”)

Later on when I reverted to my own Sc2 account (vg lounge couldn’t authorize any IAP when Nova and Stukov were on sale… $2.50 apiece), I learned that the Top Bar/Panel could be set as keyboard shortcuts (before they had default shortcut keys)!! This made playing Karax MUCH EASIER! I also ended up going through full mastery (lv1 to lv90), twice!

Unlocking the blue talents was exciting! I get it when people ask about fast tracking XP and leveling up b/c I was eager to try out new talents (esp. Karax lv11/Kahlai Ingeniuty).

Smacking yourself for a game that’s starting, but forgetting to assign your newly earned Mastery point :smiley:


Zagara was my 3rd CO I played, after Swann and Karax. I was just shocked how fast she fully saturates (within 2 minutes)! I didn’t think I’d like using her since her “swarm style” didn’t seem attractive.
Abby’s UE were so strong, I honestly thought that was a mistake, and it was only a matter of time before Blizz would nerf them.

Part & Parcel… I failed this the first time b/c despite Davis telling you what to do, I was still confused :expressionless:
–First game of Nova on Part & Parcel… I spent the entire game reading through all of her command card buttons and mouse over text. Failed the mission because I didn’t go out and hunt for parts! Gotta say, Nova is well designed.

Fenix… loved having the bug where I could infinite cloak on Arbiter suit b/c it didn’t deduct any energy! First time leveling him up, also never learned how Avenging Protocol nor Tactical Data Web worked. (I’m not even sure I made that many Champions TBH :\ )

Mengsk was the only CO I both purchased and played on their opening weekend. Crazy waiting 3 to 7+ minutes trying to get into a game (since everyone else wanted to try him out as well, but the game can’t start a game with the same CO). Some folks were clever or otherwise, stumbled upon queueing up for Brutal games as lv1 to get into a game much MUCH quicker.
–Was excited to be around for the release of 2 maps (P&P, and CoD)

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My first ever game of coop I thought “This mode is pretty neat, I might stay here a while” and look at me now.

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First time I played was early 2017 iirc, me and a friend were getting bored of our usual affair, so I roped him into trying it with me.

First CO I “mained” at the time was Swann, being a fan of Goliath I naturally played him. Stuck with him until I bought Fenix, a bit after he launched.

This was back when Fenix was… not so good. Was a bit of a meme at the time that the only thing he was good at was being the best at, slowly, rushing Carriers. But he was great for a newbie like me, this being back before the game told you Amon’s comp, his great build flexibility was very nice to have.

These days I find it kind of bizarre, but the first mission I could reliably beat on brutal was Oblivion Express of all things. Suppose aggression was my weakest trait in coop when I got to trying brutal.

Always had to just rush to get units to the first bot in Most Opportunities. These days it’s just a dismissive “yeah, take this call down, whatever”

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I started shortly after Mengsk was out, prior to mastery and prestiges, when most teammates were more experienced that I. My first commander was Karax, picked him because I was familiar with his units (Wings of Liberty ones), then fell in love with his space-wizard player style as well as incredible defense. He was my first to maxed out also.

I remember I usually lost 1/4 of the games per night, unfamiliar to bonus, map objectives, unit compo, etc, then starting to pick up wins. Trying out different commanders/mastery/prestige combo was probably my favorite part.

One of the most memorable in-game advice I received from my teammate was, “Why don’t you build two Forges, so you can upgrade quicker?”

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I remember buying each and every Zerg commander. Abathur and Zagara are my favourites. Stukov is a bit too bland to find fun. Dehaka is pretty decent but I just prefer the other two.

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I remember wanting to kill myself every time I played Swann.

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I remember first playing Artanis in Void Thrashing back at 2016 and just building random units all over.

Oh, didn’t mention this in the OP so I’ll do it here…
I didn’t have Sc2 on my own PC after I had to reinstall Windows 7 (after the WoL campaign, it was becoming a time sink :frowning: ). When I went to play it at a vg lounge, I was just going to do some Arcade/Custom games (coop preferably), and some Vs. AI games (especially since I was new to LotV at that point). That’s when I noticed there was a tab for Coop.

Tried a few games with Swann, and Karax. I got hooked! The leveling and XP system felt liks bs for a RTS like Sc2, but unlocking new (blue) talents was exciting!

I really dug that campaign mission in WoL with the laser drill (pun intended I guess), and enjoy using Goliaths, so Swann became one of my favorites! After using him and Karax, my next CO was Zagara. Quite a “culture shock”, as unlike the other 2, she was able to fully saturate in less than 2 minutes, and could push out VERY quickly!

Pre-prestige and pre-buff dayz

Raynor - I remember playing as Jim Raynor on co-op reminiscing about the good old original sc1 days with :gun: marines, :fire: firebats, medics, except the marauder wasn’t in it, good stuff blowing up things using siege tanks and vulture spider :spider_web: mines :boom:, battlecruisers, won my first Brutal game as level 7 Jim Raynor with a level 9 Vorazun ally who helped tremendously with the blackhole :hole: as I spammed MULES, vikings and vultures/ spider mines on Oblivion Express before I knew you can rapid-fire. I think I broke the C key on the old keyboard. I ended up getting a new keyboard after getting things mixed up using a different key since it broke. To this day the vulture spider mines live up to my dearest sc2 coop memories as Jim Raynor. I cheese most maps running around with packs of vultures and vikings and spam Cs after Cs until it is a cease-fire.

Kerrigan - oh the glorious Kerrigan, the Swarm Queen of the Blades :hocho: :dagger: :crossed_swords: :shield:. I love earning extra resources for me and my ally, loved mass hydras and seldom 5-7 ultras packed into 6 omega worms I could spam for days and as living fleshy detector walls on dead of night :skull_and_crossbones::skull::night_with_stars: and lurkers, Mmmm love them! Her zerglings+muta+brood lords were epic too. I was a super Kerrigan fan until I purchased abathur then dehaka. I still play Kerrigan decently though, if the random button blesses/curses me with it.

Artanis - I was saddened that he did not have the Mothership. Alas, I sighed and appropriated with good ol’ 'lots, 'goons, 'chons, bye :wave: templars. Rarely ever used the meme-sake Reavers. Only, out of pure whim, surrendered massive amount of resources to build a robotic :robot: worm-brigade on Miner Evac splitting them up so they don’t overkill a dead soul. Oh, I hated the Miner Evac side missions, especially the bottom right one on Brutal missions. I would just save up a dozen hundred minerals and send zealots to them and use the solar bombardment on them. When I didn’t have them? I would lose half, if not most of my army trying to get that measly side obj exp, if my ally wouldn’t offer up some live sacrificial pawns :chess_pawn: for the death ritual ahead.

Swann - I heard he was a defensive commander, so I decided to try him. I liked him. I like supporting roles. At level 5, the amount of love :heart_eyes: I get for boosting up our vespene income up a notch or butter-scotch :tumbler_glass: - totally worth giving up some couple hundred minerals. Only those who think it’s free are the ones that I couldn’t stand. Heck, early game, some guys see their teammate is Swann, they feel that they are entitled to an automatic gas boost as soon as they finish building their geyser constructs as if it was the Swann player’s one-and-only function in life was to know exactly when and down to the final second when their gas buildings are available to drop gas harvester drones on. Some would get :anger: angry :rage:, in turn, making me angry :rage: :rage: :rage:, spamming alt+f pings on the map as giving the aforementioned provisions were my top priorities. Nah. I’d deliberately up-yours on them. I loved mass wraiths and some sci vessels, siege tanks on miner evac, turrets and all that! Loved blasting to the abyss the trains in oblivion express and part & parcel as thors, cyclones and siege tanks. I would mix a combination of all available units. I used to think Swann was a master-race Terran, until I got Tychus. I only played Swann from Ascendence Lv. 218-871 then I truly got utterly sick and tired of playing Swann. That’s also when in 2018 or 2019 or something they released Mengsk. And them Prestiges, making me to play Swann again.

Zagara - in the beginning I’d hate the idea :bulb: of suicidal bombings/bombers so I skipped playing her. Perchance, the random commander button had chosen Zagara for me was whence I had realized she wasn’t bad. She wasn’t some lunatic commander who sends her army to death. She IS what she IS. She was born to command the army of volatile things! I loved weakening down big boss unit or trains using the corruptor ability. Oh lordie lord, before the range buff from one of the 2019 patches or somewhere there can’t remember when, I used to meme-purpose the bile launcher on centre cliff and top expo cliff of OE and as defensive DoN strat. Her Masteries have been bugged for the longest time. :person_shrugging:

Vorazun - I used to think Vorazun was a master-race Protoss commander. At Lv. 2 gained her automatic assimilator! Whoopie doo! Spawn dark templars whoohooo! Enemy ars* is slashed sparse! Blackhole :hole:, DT or Corsair attack! Higher level Vorazun (forgot which Lv.) Blackhole ignores armor! Way to go with Corsair pewt pewt splash :sweat_drops: kaboomza damage! Ohhhhhhh hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng~ Lv. 10 TIMESTOPpppppppp! Stahp impressing meeeee we you masta-racer I’d hafta paste mustard-hey sirrr *purr (lol whut). Good times. But needs micro on higher difficulty to avoid splash deaths.

Karax - oh boy :person_facepalming: :person_shrugging: I can’t tell you how many times I got cheesed over how many times they changed Karax’s Masteries. The 2019 or somewhere-there buff has me playing Karax again. It was nigh-impossible to max supply with high-tier units (Carriers, *wink :wink:) before that. I wouldn’t complain about the Energizer Reclaimation ability, however. I would mass Zealots and Energizers and prefer to (over Terran mechs) control enemy Toss mechs like there was no tomorrow.

Abathur - the cookie :fortune_cookie: monster :space_invader: :ghost:. The happy ending. Got me so enticed over Kerrigan. The Ultimate Evolutions were bomb! But I liked spamming Corrosive Biles and vipers more! Recently realized you can manually prevent a certain unit from turning into an UE by right clicking the -born/spawned-that-way unit who has turning into UE autocast at birth. Oh my ill-begotten losses!

Alarak, Nova, Stukov, Fenix, Dehaka, Han & Horner, Tychus, Zeratul, Stetmann, and Mengsk - TBA

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I had just finished with all the campaign achievements and was thinking what to do next. I had been shying away from Coop for a while, but I decided to finally give it a try.

Knowing nothing about the mode, the commander details, the strategies, the maps, etc, I started simple. I just clicked Raynor, set it to random map and difficulty to Normal.

I got VP as my first ever map. Even though I never played before, I at least new the lava mechanic due to the similar WoL campaign mission.

I didn’t know anything about Raynor strats so I just played it like a campaign mission: no extra CCs, a handful of barracks, etc. However, having been a long time campaign/custom player combined with Normal difficulty, it went just fine.

And I’ve been hooked ever since.


My first thought was “wow Vorazun is just super broken” lol, back then anyways.

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I remember thinking how it was much more easy and casual than the campaign.

And then the nerfs to commanders and buffs to Amon rained like my tears now once in a while seeing what things have become T_T

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I started playing in 2015, back when it was renamed from “Allied Commanders”. Because I didn’t have LotV, I played Raynor and noticed he was considerably weaker than the paid commanders like Swann and Karax (there were only 7 commanders back then). I own 13 of them now and he still feels weaker :expressionless:

My first brutation was Fowl Play – the one with turkeys on Oblivion Express. The tooltip was vague and I had no idea what was going on, so I lost that one and didn’t try another brutation for weeks.

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4 or 5 years ago when I first played co-op mode it was the lazer beam (from the fellow commander Swann) that freaked me because I was like what what was that beam appeared then disappeared wherever my units attacked killing things.

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The seven commanders are still included in the Campaign Collection. Afaik, I’ve never seen them removed from the bundle.

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I know that when I first heard of CO-OP I do not know what to think about it. I mostly played the campaign and for myself and when the Nova CO-OP campaign bundle came I thought it to be a waste of money.
I am not sure what exactly brought me to CO-OP but I remember there whas back then still Vorazun considered S-Tier commander with her time stop.

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can’t see my orig post so i can’t see the context. (thanks for that, also!)

but whatever the basis for my statement, it’s not something i imagined.

the campaign collection hasn’t always existed. also my post clearly says “chapters”.

i guess get more background and read more thoroughly before you reply, next time.

see you next year.

And before the Campaign Collection, the seven commanders were available with LotV. Point being, the moment they became available in a bundle, they have always have been.

Says the one who admits he doesn’t even know the context that he’s replying too…

As for your missing post, learn the posting rules and you won’t have to blather about things you don’t even remember.

To hear you whine about sales and your errant memories??? I look forward to reminding you of what you’re talking about again then.

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My first commander was almost definitely Zagara.
I saw the banes and thought “yes, definitely”
Then I saw scourge queen and thought “even better”
Still among my favorite commanders, though she suffers a lot in some mutations.

Dehaka was my first “main.” I think he might’ve been the most recent release at the time? It was that many years ago lol.

I remember him being the only commander I felt comfortable playing on Hard with. The rest I’d play normal difficulty.

Most distinct memory, trying to beat a mutator with dehaka. Cradle of Death with missile command (and others that I can’t remember). It went poorly.