An interesting fact about TvP win-rates for 2020

Foreigner vs Foreigner:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.480035 (12422)

Korean vs Korean:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.438864 (1971)

Hmmmm… So one region shows TvP is balanced, and the other shows TvP is Protoss favored. So, which one is valid? Behold:

Korean vs Foreigner:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.615699 (1223)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.661710 (807)

Koreans mop the floor with the faces of foreigners in both TvP and PvT, but especially in PvT, meaning the Korean vs Korean PvT win-rate is a better indicator of balance since it represents a higher skill level.

Furthermore, since Korean (P ) v Foreign (T) is a whopping 4.6% greater than Korean (T) v Foreign ( P), it corroborates the finding that Protoss is overpowered (Why would koreans do 5% better vs foreigners in PvT? Hint: balance).

That then begs the question of: Why do Terrans do so well against protoss in the foriegn scene? Terrans in the foreign scene are just better players :man_shrugging:.


Interesting, where are you taking these data - korean vs korean and since when this is taken? I think you would be surprised, if you took data since october 2018!!! And i mean, that it would be even more skewed towards tos…

All games in Aligulac’s database during 2020.

Never noticed category, or filters, which could allow you to see only korea vs korean, or foreigner vs foreigner :sweat_smile: Try since october 2018 !!!

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The feature doesn’t exist on Aligulac as far as I know. I had to write some code to parse Aligulac’s database, and it was double-checked by two independent posters who initially vehemently asserted I was wrong but eventually relented and apologized once I sent them the data-set and they looked over it themselves.

Foreigner vs Foreigner:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.480092 (26422)

Korean vs Foreigner:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.631739 (2300)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.676305 (1418)

Korean vs Korean:

Terran vs Protoss: 0.468291 (4021)

Protoss has been overpowered vs Terran for a very long time.

From this information you could conclude that korrean players have an overall higher skill then foreign players. Also Protoss is mopping the floor with terrans. AT all levels. We have Protoss with a win rate of 52 to 57%. This also reflects month to month on aligulac as well.

I’ve noticed this trend since 11/2018 major patch as I like to call the protoss patch. Yes there are some exceptions here and there. I am sure some pro players are in this skewing the numbers a little. but other than that this looks about right.

But But But winrates alone is not an indication of balance as toss players would say. and they will also say that they were never helped by any patch and that terrans across the board need to L2P. And they like to point to the one terran that is winning as an indication that PvT is not broken.

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Interesting, since october 2018, if you look at misc, balance history, or how it calls. Before october 2018, TvP wasn’t actually that bad, since cyclones were better and you could punish quick third. Protoss had to be more careful and look for that and couldn’t expand always that quickly.

Also because mines are visible there is no threat. While protoss has 20 different builds, which are threat and kill you instantly. Than other protoss builds are better. Terran has like only couple builds!

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I have spoken. Of the op of protoss. For some time. It each time. Platinum protoss report my post. And it is removed. They do not like. People to have opinion. That is not approved by them. And fact. They hate most of all! It is only time. Until ppp spam report. On this thread. And it is removed. What rule did it break? Posting opinion. Which is not authorized by platinum protoss…

no we dont look at the stats, protoss is fine beause terran players are just whiny noobs.

Lol bad logic here, the conclusion is flawed since kr v kr is a much smaller sample size than world v world, and by comparing same v same is factoring similar player skill level and by selecting kr v kr is simply cherry picking data to fit your narrative.

Yes,at that level of cherrypicking you are getting the results from 6-8 players, a single player having a bad/good day can change a lot the results. At that level is better analizing games instead of focusing on the winrates.


And where are these numbers coming from?

Aigulac shows PvT reverting to the mean of 50%.

Your own data from the previous topic showed that Premier tournaments (sans qualifiers) was like 51% PvT.

So instead you choose to push whatever this cherry picked data set is, because it supports your narrative.

The top Protoss players are not dominating the top Terran players statistically. Protoss still hasnt won a premier tournament since August 2019. PvT is probably slightly Toss favored but this ~44% TvP cherry picked number is laughable.

“I imagined you are wrong because I imagined a fact exists which might suggest that you might be wrong. Do I have this fact? No. I have only imagined it. You are still wrong, regardless! All the facts you listed are wrong, because muh imaginary fact proves it!”

Thebatz data cannot be trusted.
I repeat, his data cannot be truste

Real Batz whines only on terran.

What?, you want facts?, go to aligulac, count how many top players are, the ones who can deliver the highest level of gameplay.KR scene is small, really small, you have only 4 terran that can deliver a high level (Maru,Inno,TY and sometimes Cure), and 3 tosses (Stats,Trap and sometimes Zest).It’s not imaginary, just count the players, see how many of them are top players and you will end with 10 top players because Z now that soo left only has DRG, Rogue and Dark, rest of the players range from good to just good enough because the scene is small and every time someone leaves, there is another replacement that is less skilled.

Protoss players are less skilled and their race is overpowered.

Yeah it is reverting to 50%… You talk about cherry picking, but you ignore fact, that protoss win rates were jumping betwen 50-55% since like November 2017! Since that terran had only 7 periods, with win rate above 50% - not even counting actual win rate.

While protoss had 26 periods with win rate above 50%, usually 53%.

So it is you, who is cherry picking obviously… So it is reverting one time to 50%~, which still not terran favored and than it will jump again to 53-55%…

I acknowledge that and like I said, I think it is slightly Protoss favored.

The difference is that Aigulac gives a good overall idea of high level balance but its not top level balance. I think you get that from premier tournaments (or really just win percentages among the top 50 or so players on Aigulac for which premier tournamnets are a good proxy).

And as far as Aigulac goes (even though I dont think its the absolute top level balance which is what matters), you could say the same thing for PvZ. It is reverting to the mean right now but historically PvZ has been Zerg favored on Aligulac for a very long time.

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