An idea for how to properly nerf cannon rush

Without leaving protoss players vulernable to stuff like 10 pools or early game rushes. In the beginning of the game cannons can only be built within 30 meters of a nexus. This is about the range of old sensor towers. However they can get an upgrade at forges to be able to build anywhere. The upgrade could cost 100/25. If this was done then it would make cannon rushes about as powerful as spine rushes since it would require building a Nexus near someone’s base first or upgrading. This should also leave plenty of room for protoss to build cannons nearby at the start of the game.

A cannon can be made and 100% built before 12 pool lings make it a third a way across the map. You could nerf the cannon by 10sec and it would still be a fine defensive structure. The balance team are just morons and think its “exciting” to see a cannon rush once ever 1000000 pro games, so we all have to suffer because of it.


There is a balance team? Thought this game was abandoned.

In all the rush opening, cannon is the most easy to defense.
Zerg can beat cannon even with workers only and expand 2nd base in the same time.
And now Zreg think it should be nerf.
Why not just let zerg star with 3 base and 70 workers?
So that zerg can FINALLY defense cannon.


Everyone is talking about how easy and unfair cannon rush is, yet terrans beat the best players in the world with proxy barracks and bunkers rushes, sometimes even few times in a row and everyone thinks that’s it fine.


protoss dont have command centers.

Ya… a team from the community hence this community patch because blizzard employees only exist now to keep the lights on. No money left to suck out of this game, ESPECIALLY when they made it free to play allowing toxic players to go unchecked… GJ on that one blizzard…

I have lost to cannons where the enemy just makes so many its hard to keep up, literally have to pull ALL workers or abandon base to its death… cannons are just too efficient. Maybe nerf the build time by like four seconds…at least then it wouldnt really affect mid to late game.

Could make it so terrans need an upgrade to lift up structures.

protoss dont have command centers.

Fixed that. Typo

If go 12 pool and make sure you have 3 larva right pool for 6 lings.

I’ll wait till pylons are done so force them to commit to the rush.

“only” because zerg has no other option…
even if you build 16 pool first, lings are not ready in time.

What do you think about changing cannon cost from
150 min → 100 min 25 gas
This should keep cannon rush still in the game so that lower ranked players can enjoy it but render it completely useless in anything above plat.

What do you think about changing bunker cost from
100 min → 75 min 25 gas
This should keep bunker rush still in the game so that lower ranked players can enjoy it but render it completely useless in anything above plat.


The problem in the first line is the building mechanics of Toss.
1 Probe + 1 Pylon = you can build as many things as you want.
which also allows sim-city.
Say for cannon rush, you must either make a new special rule, as with SB + Nexus etc… or build time nerf?
but not sure.

That would be a horrendous idea I think. Every other race has static defenses that don’t cost vespene. I like my idea better. It allows still allows protoss to properly defend their base early game while preventing cannon rushing at the very early stages of the game.

How about having the players learn how to properly scout it and defend it ?

Every match-up features ways to deal with canon rush, some common (scouting, 3-4workers/canon +1-2workers chasing the probe ± patrolling full wall area), other specific to each race (mostly useful in case of late scouting). In most cases, if you lose to a canon rush, you either failed scouting it in time, or to react properly. And thus, if the difference between lose or win is mistake related, then it is a L2P issue, and doesn’t calls for nerfs.

If some are not convinced, I’d suggest them to watch streams such as Printf’s.

You’ll see how and to what he loses when he gets countered, in all three match-up.

Tl;DR : learning is the best way to counter canon rush without nerfing canons. If you lose to a canon rush, search where you messed up. It’ll be more useful than asking for nerfs for a 13 years old strat. :angel:

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no problem. Terran always has 25 mins at this stage of the game.
What about protoss . Can protoss find 25 mins at the start of the game or is this game breaking ?

What bunker rush are you talking about ? Where ? What league ? silver maybe ?
As far as i know it is protoss who cannon rushes all the time and terran bunker rushes like in 1 in a 100 games.


How about all the cheesers finally after 13 years LEARN how to play the game properly rather than rushing every game ? How about that ? Community is tired of this garbage.
In 2010 cannon rush maybe was fun to watch but now it’s about time certain things like cannon rush/bunker rush/12 pools are finally thrown into the gutter. Evolve as a player or quit.

You forgot PF :slight_smile:
20 chars

Personally ? I don’t canon rush, nor 12 pool (aside from ZvZ maybe). As for 2 rax, occasionally, though 2rax marines is a special case.

As for being thrown into the gutter, dunno where you’ve been lately :

And finally regarding evolution, cheeses and allins are tools every player should be able to use, as SC2 at its core is still a strategy game, and thus being predictable is to be avoided. Which also means one should be able to go full macro as well btw, the objective being to keep your opponent unable to guess which still you’re doing to use.
Yet, if your evolution rather aims towards whining, suit yourself. Personally, mine has been has been to switch random. :slight_smile: