Alternate universe proposal

I am working on some AU fanfiction and was hoping to get feedback, suggestions, critique, etc from all the lorejunkies around here. And people who don’t know the lore but want to explore its potential. I thought the setting had a bunch of really cool stuff, so I completely reorganized the timeline to showcase all that stuff in a universal context. Ihanrii golems, Cereberus zerg, taldarim pirates, robot zerg, overmind broods, zerg worshiping cults, protoss empire, a bazillion terran governments, etc.

The idea is that it follows the canon lore except where noted. If anything isn’t understood, then check the Starcraft fandom wiki for the original canon version. I tried to make sure I interpreted the lore right because it’s important to know the rules before you break them. Let me know if you see any mistakes or missing explanations or need clarification, etc. This is a constant work in progress so expect to see many updates in the future.

Its got a few too many moving parts IMO. The random incidental cults really don’t warrant inclusion at all, for example.

I like all the lore changes and that the protoss have to find some way to not go crazy without the khala. Will read rest later.

Fair enough. I wanted to bring obscure yet interesting lore to my readers’ attentions. In a future update I will attempt to provide better organization.

In the meantime, What scheme do you suggest would make it easier for you to parse and sort this information?

It is very dedicated and thorough, so I am reading it properly once I return from travels.

A proper timeline would help. Going over events in chronological order helps give context without bogging down the reading with things that havent happened and don’t matter for the events.

Thank you for letting me know. I thought I had included a timeline at the start but I guess that was not helpful enough.

I think a wiki format might make it easier to organize things. I have a pbworks account so I can move the content from the google doc to a workspace there.

Would you prefer if I did that?

I don’t know that you have enough content yet to really justify that.

It has a few benefits over a google doc. Sorting info as separate articles makes it easier to edit, organize, avoid redundancies, and include links to other pages.

Anyway, what sort of timeline are you looking for? An overview of the entire history with a mention of where I made changes or a particular historical period you have in mind?

Both, frankly, but mostly the former. The terran timeline in particular got seriously changed up, so having a new one available to put stuff into context would be helpful.

Thank you for letting me know. I have just added an overview of Terran history up to the alien appearance. It is still a work in progress so I’m open to discussion.

I updated the document with an overview of protoss history.

Zerg history would be fairly simple to add, but there’s not much the canon gives to work with compared to the other two. They eat their homeworld, eat their creators, rampage, and invade koprulu. I’d be happy to take suggestions for more noteworthy events in zerg history.

If you don’t mind me chiming here a little, please change the Protoss’ history so that it makes better sense and truly feel like an ancient race.

I have already explained all my problem with it in one my recent argument with Kelthar. If you didn’t read it, I’m more than happy to repeat it here again.

Oh yes, I heavily sympathize with you. I did make major changes to the protoss history already, since I found the canon timeline really confusing due to all the inconsistencies over the decades. I don’t know if you read it already, but if you did then I’d prefer that you use my revision as the basis of criticism rather than the canon timeline.

So fire away with your suggestions.

I don’t have time, yet, but I’ll definitely check it out!

His main beef is that Protoss history seems actually really short, because of their long life spans.

With current timeline all the events happaned within few generations.

Heck, Razsagal remembered and met Adun.

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I agree with that problem. At minimum multiple generations passed between the Discord and the present, sufficient for the nerazim to be very culturally distinct. Furthermore, I posit that even back when they still had khala they were cultural distinct due to living in self-imposed isolation.

Which reminds me, I’ve decided to consistently use the phrase “primal chord” (quoted from SC1 manual) to refer to the protoss’ natural telepathic link to avoid confusion with Blizzard’s messy terminology (“khala” has at least three different uses in canon). I like the use of “chord” because it refers to playing music in unison, echoing how it evolved to help protoss hunt in unison efficiently. Of course I’ll use capitalized Primal Chord to make it standout as a proper noun. Thoughts?

I’d call it Primal Link.

If it’s just a name, makes sure you define it clearly. I don’t really care what you called it.

Does anyone mind if I rely on Leovaunt’s Starcraft tabletop RPG for consistent explanations of otherwise vague canon concepts? For example, the RPG’s explanation of psychic communication and detection is extremely helpful for me to put things in context and stay consistent.