Allies should be able to building on creep

Im a zerg player and I play a lot of 2v2 3v3 and 4v4. I think it would be beneficial for my teammates to build on my creep so i can spread and take advantage of the movement buff creep provides and also to help assist with queen heals.

Some expansions are too close so my creep will impede on other expansion boundaries so my teammates have to take mineral patches far from me. A few games I’ve had my hatchery killed so my teammate can build a nexus/CC. I’m sure it’s frustrating for all parties.

edit: Building on creep will only be for allies and not the other team.

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The issue is that creep is neutral. The thing that gives vision per team is the tumors. So not only would you have to somehow program creep to be different per side, you would have to make it visually distinct between 2 or more zerg factions. Then you would have to make it some hos distinguishable if creep starts overlapping so that’s a visual mess there in addition to hardware steins. Can you image 12 player zerg game where creep itself was unique to each faction. That would be a visual mess. So there’s not a good way to feasibly do this.

If playing team game don’t use creep tumors but use over lords click hold. So once Allie have expanded you can lay creep with overlord or you can stop so they can build.

team games, you just gotta know where to build creep and not build creep, or when for that matter. First off on the 4v4 maps i know two maps that the creep will spread to your allys nats. Those maps you just have to make sure you dont expo to the base’s that will cause a problem and instead take the other bases.

secondly as the mode suggest you need to act as a good team mate and be ware of what you are doing. dont spread creep anywhere close to other people, instead start spread from your third or 4 depending on the way the maps are set up. I play zerg myself, and frankly i just dont spread creap on team games unless i start it from a area where no team mates will be expoing. This way it avoids the problem entirely.