Hi Blizzard, its been a very long time since I’ve seen the mmr ranking system working properly. I dont want to lose all of the progress I have made on my account by creating a new account to fix my mmr rank. Can you please fix this issue? I have played countless teams games to see the score screen filled with masters players and me at platnium 3. It is super frustrating when I click leave league, play 5 more ranked games to be placed back in platnium after winning all 5. Please fix this!
You’re looking at the border, rather than the actual MMR you’re facing. There’s a bug that happens sometimes with the borders where people “get” masters even though they’re not actually masters MMR.
Right now when I look at 3s ranked, it shows me at platinum 2, with Diamond 1 in the progress bar with 3443 MMR. I win a game, there is no progress bar increase, its just blank. The bug as far as I can see is my rank actually matching my mmr.
There’s no guarantee the new account’s rankings would work either, so you may not want to make all that work for yourself.
Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen due to SC2 being retired combined with it being a non gaming breaking bug (display issue only).
A big part of the reward in grinding hours out in multiple teams games is the visual aspect to your achievements… It is identical of like platinum trophies on PlayStation. This is game breaking for the drive in the competitive team playing community… Its showing that a bronze team player is just as good as a masters player… the response blizzard is giving is shrugs shoulders no one really plays it anymore? Well this is/could be part of the main reason why! The game is not working as intended… Does blizzard not think that quality in every game they own matters to the community?
Breaking a drive to play isn’t the same a game breaking.
It’s not that. It’s that the game is retired. (It was retired in 2020.) That just means that outside of game breaking issues, no more work is being done on the game.
Personally, and from what I’ve observed around here, it’s certainly not the reason people quit the game, at least any appreciable extent. It’s only a display issue in an old game that isn’t developed anymore.
I can’t speak for Bliz, but I’d say yes for the actively developed games. However, when games are retired, they are left as they are so that resources can be moved to the next bigger and better projects. It’s the inevitable fate of all video games.
Its sad to see a game that many of us still love and play just be held together with duct tape… The casuals (any games main source of income) may have left, but the competitive players are just really disappointed that blizzard doesn’t care.
It’s not nearly that bad. But, like all video games that are no longer developed, SC2 will slowly degrade as technology progresses but the game doesn’t.
Again, it’s not about caring or not.
It’s an old bug. And game has some kind of “active development”. So I guess its about time to fix the bug after 10 years???
It’s one that’s reappeared a few times after being nixed several times too. That said, as much as I’d like to get it fixed (again), it could also come down to the time and effort needed track down the cause of the bug being far harder to do than it’s worth to fix at this stage. Not to mention the other issues that it could potentially cause as well.
Something in the code as it changes seems to cause it. Unfortunately “Active development” is really not the case for sc2, despite still getting patches and changes; more semi-active balancing.
It’s possibly due to intense playerbase decrease at one point. But it tend to happens every few months. (atleast it used to when I still played). But lets be honest what is the problem for the devs to look for this bug and finally fix it? I don’t think it’s unfixable.
BALANCING - is a funny word there. I wouldn’t say it’s balancing. It’s just releasing random balance patches.
Not necessarily unfixable, no. But coding is fickle, and fixing one bug may cause several more, so the difficult part is figuring out how to fix the bug - that’s been a reoccurring bug for years, and had several attempts to fix it multiple times - without also causing further issues. Recently we had an issue where a number of collectors edition portraits disappeared, for example, after blizzard did some back end work on the game, and it took them weeks to fix that, for content that was paid for.
Dude, with all respect, but its a 10 years old bug. I understand that some changes might break the game even more but a big company having a simple MMR bug problem for over 10 years meanwhile they are fine with releasing everything else old or new to the game? They still sell the product, so they should fix it somehow - and after 10 years… Still nothing… Come on…
You’d think, yes. But - and pointing this out because I experienced it first hand; during one of the early periods where this bug was present (sometime in HotS IIRC), they attempted to fix it and completely screwed the ladder for several months. There were masters players who couldn’t get past gold, diamonds who were stuck in silver and everyone else who was in bronze because they tried to fix the border bug.
Then they should try again. They still got paid for the game. The game still gives profit. The game still release updates to balance and other things, and the game still receives the bug fixes. So it should be fixed as a bugfix, sooner or later. But 10 years? Come on.
It’s like abandoning a dying patient in some cases but still taking money from him. Is it ok? No, they should try to (bug)fix him up.
This is a critical issue for the game to work, please fix. Please add budget to fix ranking and the ladder system. Caring for the game is caring for this not only game breaking bugs.
Please fix.
As it’s only a display issue, it’s not critical to the game’s function. Matches aren’t made based on rank, they are based on MMR which currently appears to be functioning properly.
Not having budget nor resources to fix a critical aspect of the game event though it’s not related to playability but league placement is not caring for the game. Denying it won’t change it.
Care equals time and resources to fix important things even if its not playability itself.
Not caring is just applying resources to keep the playability lights on.
Saying that this is not about caring or not is deliberately dishonest. It is not caring, period. Blizzard doesn’t take care of its products.
Sorry, GeneralGonzo, but you don’t seem to understand.
SC2 was retired over four years ago. It’s a state that is often referred to by the community as “maintenance mode”, or “on life support”.
And just like every other game that has been retired, by any studio, it’s no longer maintained like an actively developed game. Meaning, SC2 is going to breakdown as time goes on just like any other retired game.
It’s the same situation as the older games (D1, WC1, WC2, SC1, as examples) that have been retired and have degraded, some to a non functional state.
So it’s not about caring, or dishonestly, or not taking care of products, or anything else. It’s about the eventual fate of all video games: Whether the fans like it or not, video games eventually are retired and left to degrade with time.
Luckily though, Bliz has been kind enough to at least fix SC2’s game breaking issues that have popped up since its retirement, even though they haven’t been required to.
And as for your ‘Bliz doesn’t take care of its products’ assertion, that’s plainly false and I’m sure you’re aware of that. The actively developed (non retired) games get constant attention and care.
Dude, we’ve been asking this years and years.
They don’t care about this game, people can cheat, smurf, mh, nobody are any more.
It is sad but it is true.