All my games have become hell

What the is this about balancing I just want to insult the developers I’ve just lost 17 games in a row because I’m given stupid teams. I went from diamond to gold because all the big idiots are with me. Otherwise it’s the gas afk or the one who insults others. But when I say that I only have rotten players with me, I weigh my words, it’s really serious what happens to me. At 4v4 I destroy a person’s economy with DTs They attack after there is not one in my team who does anything THEY ALL LEAVE!! I play a match by dominating the opponent, I lose it because my three teammates don’t know how to just counter a BC player. I had the right to a player who blocked all the paths by building like an idiot. I’m starting to get extremely nervous BECAUSE THEY’RE ALWAYS WITH ME. In front of me I have ultra-reactive people who act at the slightest attack while in my team I have morons. How can you expect me to respect your rules when I continually have horrible games with players who have the bronze level. I EVEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO THREE GOLDS WITH ME, AGAINST 4 DIAMANDS. YOU WANT TO SEE THEM MY REPLAYS TO SEE THE CATASTROPHE OF THE MORONS FINISHED WITH THE PISS THAT FORMS MY TEAM. When it happens once or twice it can pass BUT NOW IT’S ALL MY MATCHES. It’s not normal that they are always with me, especially when I see the level of the opponent in front of me. BUT I had one who put a SINGLE HIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF 3 ORE DEPOSITS FOR THE EXTREMES. BUT DAMN IT’S DIAMAND AND PLATINUM MATCHES, WHY ARE THE DEBUTANTS IN MY TEAM EVERY TIME!!!

I played some casual 2v2 and I have similar experiences. The game is fine. You need to change your approach. Simply DON’T play random team. Find a good team partner and ALWAYS play AT.

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Play 1v1, then you can’t have any teammates that are worse than you. It’s what this game is balanced for anyway.

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I’m talking about a huge balance problem and a succession of matches with people where it’s impossible to win. I had three games in a row with the tk in my team. There is too big a problem with team balancing. There are clearly players who don’t even have the level to get to gold and have a team made up of these people, it’s the obligatory defeat against diamonds or platinum. I’ve seen everything, I’m even shocked by some of the things I saw so much that it was stupid. I really wondered if anyone could think about it. I’m not talking about macro, apm or performance, but about players who don’t even have the level of the first monkey you find in a zoo. It comes back to locking the door in front of you, throwing the key on the ground and wondering why it’s closed. To then hit the one who forces, to open it. It’s desperate as much as it’s laughable. There are also some that incite violence. I had the right to a player who decides to do this B2 at 50km. I want to specify that it’s 4v4. We start to experience a photon rush. I’m a terran and I’m hurrying to make tanc. I end up destroying the photons and the tanc kindly placed in front of it to support. The zerg player who has this b2 at 50 km and who did nothing, ends up destroying my tanc with the workers (he has nothing else) under the pretext that I wasn’t fast enough to save this b2, when I’m the only one who moved. I genuinely wanted to hit this kid. I’ve suffered so many stories like this that I wonder how I still manage to memorize

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hey mister genius welcome to sc2 team games. this is hows its always been, and nothing in your post that you described is talking about balance. all your doing is complaining about team mates. Also if you are going to complain about teammates and the game in general, atleast try to make some sense. most of the stuff you spewed out here sounds like it came out of a 5 year olds mouths.


I just played 5 games in which there were tk. Luckily for me, 3 were in the opponent’s camp. It turns out that it’s always the same ones who tk. I would like to point out that these are ranked matches. LOL, which is considered an ultra toxic game, has sanctions and systems to remedy the behavior. Overwatch that I knew when it was released and that I avoided because of this ultra toxic community to deploy all kinds of modifications to remedy the problem. So I’m going to offer you solutions to remedy all this problem. Any player who starts ranked matches is bronze and climbs by the merit that already exists. No more morons who arrive in master after a WTF match. There is a stat on a match to know who TK, a player who TK = Ban from ranked matches. Stats to know who is AFK, an afk player = Ranked Match Ban. It’s not very complicated to know who insults non-stop = Ban So does Mister Genius propose something complicated? I don’t think so! It’s mostly for the sake of the matches because the game is starting to get so toxic

When it comes to TKers, all you can do is log off and wait for them to finish. The queuing pool of players is much smaller than it was during SC2’s prime. That’s going to make the pool of the team games quite small. Meaning, if you have a TKer in one game, you’ll likely have them again in subsequent games. Give some time for the TKers to get bored and leave.

As for skill matchups, again, the playerbase isn’t as large as it used to be. The MM system doesn’t have a lot to choose from. When a certian amount of time passes, the MM system will start selecing from a wider MMR range to fill the slots. This can result in lopsided matchups.

Both are simply a result of an aging game with lower queuing pools. That’s something that a player just has to accept if they want to play.

Unfortunately, SC2 was retired almost four years ago. Bliz has ended all development. That means that no more changes are being made to the game. Those who choose to play it are choosing to play it as it is.

It’s a video game. It’s never going to be important enough in life to incite violence. It sounds like you should periodically step away for a bit.


Leviathan, I completely agree with you that when the blood rises, it’s better to stay away from the game. That’s what I already do when it goes too far.

Generally when I see red, it is because several parties have followed one another, with deplorable situations. I accept when I make mistakes and I do everything I can to correct them, but to be with people who make you lose against teams that are always well supplied is very annoying.

I absolutely disagree when you say that the game is abandoned by the Blizzards. I would have been told that two years ago, I would have said yes it’s true and I wouldn’t have filled in my pathetic fate on the American forum.
There have been some recent updates with balance changes on the classes. This is proof that there is development activity.

I believe that the hand of the great Microsoft is behind this.

Leviathan, I thank you all the same for wanting to provide answers and want to appease my subject.

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It’s the truth. Bliz announced SC2’s end of development in October of 2020. And since then, Bliz hasn’t made any changes to the base game. For example, there’s a bug in coop that’s been recurring for a couple years that Bliz isn’t showing any signs of fixing.

That isn’t development by Bliz. Those balance patches are being made by the community using the editor.

Blizzard handed control of most of the SC2 esports to ESL some months before ending development. ESL has been overseeing most of the changes whether it’s maps from the TeamLiquid Map Contest, changes from the balance council they organized, or the occasional new portrait from Nicolas Chaussois. Blizzard’s involvement is mostly down having someone stop by and implement those changes. All the big names with RTS experience left Blizzard to join or found new studios.

Blizzard has been nicer lately about allowing third parties to do StarCraft collectibles and ESL has been nice enough to invest a little more into team maps despite them not being part of their leagues but that’s about it for new signs of life right now. As for Microsoft, they haven’t owned Activision Blizzard for that long and they’re still busy cutting costs to balance out all the money they paid on the purchase and legal fees.

Nothing wrong with being optimistic but I’d caution anyone who counts actions from this year as proof of new SC2 content or new StarCraft titles being invested in right now.

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It kind of is abandoned by Blizzard, the tournaments are crowd/community founded.

The new maps and balance patches are made/ tested/ adjusted/ retested all by the community.

Yes, the the game is not dead right now, but if not for community which not big, but it is strong, the SC2 would be dead probably 2 years ago or even much earlier.

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