Add a unit/building to your commander

See title. I’d love to add Phase Cannon to Karax. It’s an old abolished building, a Photon Cannon that could turn into pure energy and move itself to another location.

Isn’t that what Zeratul’s cannon does? I’d love it if Artanis gets either Void Rays or Carriers; or maybe even his own Mothership. His airforce really suffers vs. Skytoss/Skyterran comps by themselves.

I would love for Vorazun to get the Annihilator with Shadow Cannon and obs instead of the oracle for her detector.

I was going to say that that’s what Zerg already do since their Crawler towers can uproot and relocate. In fact, that’s why Phase Cannons were left out in Versus/Ladder… b/c Zerg had a similar feature!

If we can add features, I’d like for Karax Nexuses to have Recall.
It affects only his zero-cost buildings. When hit, they get removed from the map, and you get the resources back from them. It should up his level of tower-play

Instigators are what Karax deserves but we still have plenty of unused units that could be added to everyone.

Arbiters for Artanis for instance or ghosts for Raynor.

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Planetary fortress for Raynor. Or for anyone really, I just want to see it in Co-op (on my side).

And tech lab for Mengsk. It’s a Terran staple.

That really would change up Karax’ play style too much (not necessarily for the better, nor for the worse either, but def. change).

I mean, as long as we’re on board with that, I would like Nova to be able to build multiple of the same production buildings so she’s not so crippled if you lose your units, and hit by the charge cd’s.

Sentries for Artanis which can not only restore shields but heals both biological and mechanical units, Annihilators for Vorazun which can fire Shadow Cannon, becomes permanently cloaked when upgrades and provides cloaking to nearby units, Diamondbacks for Swann which has upgrades from WOL, Mecha Roaches for Stetmann which has the same abilities as regular Roaches.

I’d love to add the Sunken Colony for Kerrigan or for any Zerg Commander (Excluding Dehaka). I know it won’t do that much, but still… Strong feelings came to my mind whenever I see them in SoA.

Isn’t Sunken Colony the same as Spine Crawler, except it can’t move?

It also generates Creep. Or at least it did in Sc1/BW. Dunno about Amon’s version of it though for Sc2 (Coop, campaign, and where ever else they appear)

I’d give Karax a mothership.

Because it’s stupid to me that the faction with a heroic unit in PvP doesn’t have that unit in the game mode where everyone else has heroic units.