Activision lost all interest in Starcraft II

If it wasn’t clear then, it is now. A couple of months ago, it was reported that Blizzard had canceled a planned StarCraft first-person shooter .
kotaku com/sources-blizzard-cancels-starcraft-first-person-shoote-1835285125

Today’s Activision Blizzard financial report makes it clear that they have lost all interest in StarCraft with no mention to Starcraft at all. Everything is put on Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4. A reall shame for the best RTS that has ever seen the daylight and to a company that owes a lot to Starcraft…


I honestly wonder, why some other studio didnt remake sc2 completely different game alike sc2 with good controls and better engine and with good balance, everyone would switch to that… Problem other rts devs are even dumber than blizzard and cant even make hotkeys stf u… Blizzard should just delete lotv and bring back hots and fix mass swarmhosts and mass raven and mass tempest…

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imc777 your view on Starcraft current state is misplaced as SC2 regained new hope with the foreign scene being stronger than ever and the game being in such a good state as is.

Protoss is mostly a-move and to beat their army let alone the match as zerg or terran you need to be 1000x better with 1000x more apm and multitasking. And this is coming from a protoss main.

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I’m here to remind you that the community is GOAT. We have lads and lasses in blizz who love starcraft and outside of that we have people who maintained ICCUP. SC 4 ever!

idk what they are going to do now that they cancelled another ghost game…

Mobile games obviously.

Its sad cause all development goes into the bigger games.

Starcraft slowly getting older and older with minor updates and esports are slowly getting less views.

Activision does not do much with Blizzard games… If you look at World of warcraft and starcraft 2 and the states of the game. Slowly declining.

I could give less of a crap about overwatch and HoTs and hearthstone.

But its clear that blizzard really does not care much as long as they get cash. Instead of new content they release expensive skins for races of starcraft 2. And store mounts for WoW that are overpriced. HELL they had to do Classic WoW for damage control cause of how much of a flop BFA is.

They also confirmed they may never develop starcraft 3 in an article. This hurts my soul as i hated the ending for legacy of the void campaign it felt very cliffhanger like with lack of explanation.

edit: You can see they dont care much after how much they care after seeing all the other starcraft games being canceled

Starcraft: Ghost - Cinematic - YouTube if you guys remember this. Im sure alot do.

The game engine is actually a technical marvel that would take years of development by a team of PhD computer scientists. No other company has the resources to develop such an engine and if they did there are more lucrative goals to persue than an RTS game. The movement of the units is actually a fluid dynamics simulation - probably something similar to smoothed particle hydrodynamics:

I just hope nathanias and feardragon are asked to leave. Cut these two, keep the rest.

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The biggest reason is that none of those things are easy. A better engine than SC2 is already a really tall task honestly. For as fiddly and jank as it is, it’s still a pretty good engine for the most part.

Good balance? Good balance most often comes as a fluke in games like these. Look at every other RTS that has existed on the market, now come back with a tally of how many were balanced. You can likely count them on one hand despite there being many, many RTS games released over the years. Balance is a happy accident 99 times out of 100.

Just because they don’t mention SC2 doesn’t mean they are unhappy with it.

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MyOhMind hits the nail on the head. We’re doing good. The last bastion of RTS is still here bois!

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And if I am? So what? I’m enjoying the F out of laddering and even more from teh great games that get streamed and cast. You can be as negative as you want but it wont affect me. Games doing great. The plays! You seen serrals bane flank?? Holy S that was good! In my own games I don’t think I’ve felt balance ever because I’m bad. Whine about it if you want I won’t care! (I mean I’ll troll my A of for fun but yk!)
Why not enjoy dying if you’re dying? But SC is far from that. we had ICCUP we had all that stuff. I Think You’re seriously underestimating the P A S S I O N !!!

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You realize they lost interest in sc2 only now and you need an article for that ?? LMAO

They lost interest in sc2 the moment LOTV came out