About "terran whiners"

Terran pros and figureheads are… Well…
Nathanias: Insults opponents, insults zerg pros, balance whines every stream… Then calls that there is a witchunt after calling zerg players drunkards.
HeroMarine: Belittles his opponents. Insults players like Showtime. Tells his chat to insult protossp layers.
Avilo: No explaination needed.
uThermal: Goes on twitter rants whenever he loses a game, saying stuff like him losing vs Serral was imbalance because he should be favored against him and the likes.
DeMuslim: Calls protoss players low IQ whwnever he faces one and is not smashing. He is getting better since he started casting though.
And the list goes on…
Basically, some the very visible top terrans are extremely toxic. All communities have them but… Insulting and belittling opponetns should never be acceptable.

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I agree.


Looks like our community still has some work to do though. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

To be honest, 20 dollars every hour is a little less.
I have checked Blizzard Recruitment Information. Ummmm…No, Internet financial analysts and snack bar administrators are more suitable for me. I don’t want to deal with people yelling every day. I prefer to be quiet.
Entertainment is different from banking. Pulling out a shotgun can be very effective but in the entertainment industry it can scare customers. Ummmm…Not enough efficient.

If they yell at the bank, we usually ignore them. That’s their right. If they want to steal money from bank…Ummmm…
Suggestion: Shotgun. Quick and efficient.

In general the forum is full of bad faith argumentation, why some players race should just be better.
Pointing to sniped out stats, singled out games, completely out of context stuff into an arbitrary completely overscaled balance suggestion that would damage more than “fixing”, even if the described problem existed.

Terrans in general are the main balance posters/spammers with topic creation.
In the past years, toss and zergs only got hammered on with nerfs while T got alot of love.
That’s why everyone makes pretty much fun of them.
If there is any other patchdynamic but terran buff and everything else in the game getting nerfed, they start to create topics how unbelievably incapable blizzard supposly is.

Looking at the new voidray buffs, cause competitive wise the unit has no real spot to be in right now.
Just search for the threads here in the forum… it’s ridiculous.

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I don’t know. I wish the community took less BS from players (from all races equally) just because they happened to be a pro or a caster or whatever. The thing is lately I’ve been trying to imporove my terran and I feel the only stream I feel I can enjoy without being insulted is Juggernaut Jason’s.

Most complaints are from Terran. They whine, and also go further and make troll posts, where they pretend to be a toss player, and about how easy it is to beat terrans…

forum meme. It’s played out from zerg and protoss whiners who consider anything that isn’t zerg or protoss praise as “terran whining”.

Terrans will actually ban you if you don’t agree Terran is underpowered where guys like Lambo won’t even allow balance whining on his stream.

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troll post is troll
Im not a Terran player but acording to this guy im a Terran Whinner
the only thing I like about Terran is coop, Tycus/Matt Horner is pretty legit / sweet.

It depends on what you consider whine. I’ve seen a (very slight) higher number of posts complaining about terran being underpowered, but it definitely exists for protoss and zerg as well.

However, I’ve seen FAR more whining about whining, if that makes sense, coming from protoss/zerg directed at terran. Even when a post is not remotely about terran balance, there’s always a post or two saying “Stop whining like a terran” or something like that.

I understand that. The terrans who go for real insults aren’t that numerous, but it’s true that even on very poised and measured streams such as Polt’s one, there’ll some remark that other races might not understand. You should keep in mind however, that’s it’s not the same to suggest that some mistakes are less forgiving than others, and to say that something is imbalance. And there you’ll have the difference between a Polt type player, and a Heromarine like.

Juggernaut Jason has a very nice stream indeed. I could recommend you PiG’s one as well (or his Youtube/Spawning tool builds), he’s random and focuses on strategy and players first. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m a terran. I don’t insult anyone. And I don’t complain about balance. Mainly because I only play TvT. It’s guaranteed to be balanced. :slight_smile: My complaint is around us not having seperate rankings for each match up, so I can test my TvT against similar level players and find out where I rank. I have nothing against Zerg or Protoss players as individuals. I just refuse to play those match ups. Its my time, I paid for the game when it cost, and I’ve followed and supported it since day one, including donating to various streamers and promoting its contests like the GSL. Therefore, I play it however I want, and won’t be forced to play imbalanced matches. I just gg them. Its the system’s problem if it pushes me down the ladder as a result. Not mine.

It’s more like a meme because in fact Protoss and Zerg have lot more whine on this forum. You can just look how much like have Protoss or Zerg whine on this forum and how much like have Terran whine on this forum. You will see Protoss and Zerg whine have always lot more like because they are more present on this forum.

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Wow, you are free to do whatever you want, but it seems like you are cutting out the best part of the game this way. If you really think this matches are so imbalanced, play them to challenge yourself, it’s not like it would hurt you anyway.
The point of the game is having 3 races with really different game styles, it’s what required the major effort in the development and it’s what distinguished starcraft 2 from its competitors when it came out.

Well, thanks for your honesty. Two remarks though :

  • Though mirrors start theoretically as always balanced, by freelosing two thirds of your games you’ll be only matched against opponents considerably weaker/less experienced than you. So, even if balance isn’t an issue, those games could hardly be called fair. :neutral_face:
  • Despite allegedly not complaining about balance anymore, I am convinced that freelosing entirely one match-up in fact relates to the intimate conviction those match-ups are imbalanced. I do call that behavior being a match-up smurf, and that’s in fact a severe form of balance complaint. When a player thinks that nothing that he could say, or do, would allow for a MU to be balanced. And what you said in the second part of your post strongly hints that. :mag:

I can understand what motivated you to do so, though, as we’ve got one member of our community who freeloses all his PvZ. I would gave you the same advice than I did, that being that cheesing or allining those match-ups would be a vast improvement over just freelosing them. The games are quick, and your MMR doesn’t gets underestimated as much by the system.

Regarding the ability to veto some match-ups on the ladder ; I think that it wouldn’t be fair to have users playing only one or two match-up instead of three, thus often discarding the less favorable one, to be ranked at the same place than those who made the effort to overcome the more difficult ones.
However, it might be a good idea for unranked, since unranked doesnt ranks players, is more meant as a training ground ; and since that may allow for match-up smurfs do stop freelosing.

I find your feedback quite interesting though. You aren’t the only player freelosing specifically one MU, and the more insight we get, the more we could get a chance for fixes to be discussed. I’ve got a thread dedicated to the different forms of smurfing, I hope you don’t mind if I use your input into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just popped into the forums to see that you made two separate posts, both complaining about Zerg. No original posts from Zerg complaining. Hmmmm…

You could of combined those two posts but that wouldn’t be spamming enough for you. I have never once seen you post anything positive.

More than.
20 characters

I agree. And I was cheesing for a while. For Zerg, I just proxy 3 rax somewhere near their would-be third base. If they tried to save their natural I would usually win. But sometimes the games go on a bit if I don’t kill enough stuff. I think the win-rate on that was about 30-40%. So not bad. For protoss, I drop a tank and 4 marines into their first mineral line at around 4 minutes. The win rate on that - maybe 30%. Of course both those win rates decrease as I climb the ladder slowly (the TvT games get me up the ladder, because I win about 70% of them).

The thing is, I felt worse about the cheesing, than I do about just ggíng. If I gg then those Zerg and Protoss players can find a better game?

Going by some of the other posts and my chats with people in game (Cos I apologise to them and explain why, when i cheese or GG, and they often say they didn’t want the match-up either). It seems to me that a seperate ranking and/or a MU preference would not harm the game too much. I’m not talking about something that means I’d never have to play those games…just a 10 second search for the preferred race. and If one can’t be found, then play the first available. I’d accept that, and I’d try to play them properly. Because i’d know the new system would at least give me more matches of my preference than the current system.

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  • At one hand, cheesy games can be quite entertaining.
  • At another, what you would improve for some, would mechanically get worse for others.

At least, if they fail to defend the cheese, they will have a replay to spot the errors they made. If they lost just because the other player is vastly superior mechanically, there isn’t as much to learn, as the imperfection of their macro is something they likely already are aware of. So yeah, cheesing is better than freelosing, IMO.

You’re not the only one suggesting match-up selections as we said. I will advocate for unranked match-up vetos the next time I get the chance, it could be a solution for match-up smurfs. :slightly_smiling_face:

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