Abathur P3 Limitless

you need to devourer vs sky terran, like they usually have reaper waves early which is easy to deal with as aba anyways

robo toss your just hoping your roaches can stall and get a lot of lucky bio drop when they die till you mass a mutal ball

and you cant get 6 UE at 4 min with limitless abathur just not possible, i dont think thats even possible with normal aba

I dunno how you play Abathur but it doesn’t feel right

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Good Abathur can get 3 bruta under 5mins when facing zerg or on a good map.

Just see LilArrin vid on YT for that


i looked at it but i don’t think you can even get more than 1 Brutalisk under 5 minutes with this prestige.

The fact that biomass gives more benefit in that video and also the fact that you get a 1500 Health Anti-ground & air units with just 100 biomass will make luring enemies much easier. The video made it under 5 minutes. I will say you need at least 8-10 minutes to get 3 brutalisks under P3 condition.

The luring in that video looks easy but you need to play with p3 to see if it’s actually feasible.

Do note that i am not saying the prestige is bad or not, i just say that getting 6 brutalisks around 8-11 minutes is not something that can be achieved consistently.


Well yes, but you have to tech up to that. I doubt you’ll have many Devourers (while having economy and reasonable ground presence) at ~8:00 or whenever 2nd wave on Chain of Ascension arrives with lot of Banshees, Liberators and Vikings. And again, with nerfs to biomass they’re much more vulnerable.
Mutas are good with max biomass but at low they die to anything that shoots air. And you won’t have much biomass with Limitless Abathur. Good luck tickling 10 Immortals with 5 Mutas while they wreck your expo, Harvesting Bot or whatever else important.
Thats the point, Kerrigan spawns at 4:00 and starts wrecking everything while Abathur requires significant efforts to get his unbreakable fist of UEs.

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Care to share the video so we can learn from your skills?


I am pretty decent at playing Abby, but I would like to see this one too…

Please show me a game in which you’re able to get 6 ultimate evolutions as prestige 3 abathur within 7-11 minutes. Please show me a game in which this is even possible. I’m serious, I’m genuinely interested in seeing this.

Because okay, if we’re trying to meet the conditions you specify, which is 6 ultimate evolutions as prestige 3 abathur in 7-11 minutes, then that means we’re going to need 1200 biomass in 7-11 minutes. This is because each ultimate evolution requires 200 biomass at prestige 3, and we need 6 ultimate evolutions, so 200 biomass * 6 = 1200 biomass total.

So you’re telling me you got 1200 biomass in 7-11 minutes. As prestige 3 Abathur. I’m just going to put it bluntly: This is a claim that any experienced Abathur player will find extremely difficult to believe, especially considering you got such a high amount of biomass in a such a short amount of time, reaching efficiencies that even top-tier Abathur players have been unable to achieve. (LilArrin, who also happened to respond to you in one of his posts, is one such top-tier Abathur speedrunner and mutation-soloer, for instance, in case you were unaware.)

To put this into perspective, even speedrunning Abathurs are unable to get 1200 biomass in 7-11 minutes. The best they’ve been able to manage is 600 biomass in 7 minutes. So you’re telling me you’re able to get biomass faster than even SPEEDRUNNERS are able to get?

And not only that, you’re telling me you’re able to get biomass faster than even speedrunners are able to manage while ALSO operating on a biomass penalty? (Remember, prestige 3 only makes biomass give 50% of its normal benefits.) So even with a biomass penalty in place, you’re able to get 1200 biomass faster than speedrunners are able to get it?

And you expect this claim to be taken seriously?

Tell you what, I’m sure the mutation-soloing Abathur and the speedrunning Abathurs will be very interested in seeing what strategy you use to get 6 ultimate evolutions as prestige 3 Abathur in 7-11 minutes. Why don’t you show these top-level players how you manage to play like this? I’m sure they’d be very interested in seeing the evidence you have that proves your claim correct. So tell you what, how about you present this evidence?


It’s tootin’ impossible, ya hear! :joy:

Unless… you simply spawn UE with commands, voila!

Modern problems requires modern solutions meme

I love how it is currently, makes his gameplay very apm intensive, like dehaka’s third mutation.

i got to 4 lol on limitless and partner blew raynor cooldown which helped a lot so i exaggerated
anyways here is a replay with a rando
https // drop.sc/replay/15816686

i separated the http cuz forum wont let me post link

Thanks. I’ve checked it out and I’d say you’re much better than the average Abathur player. It did make quite a difference for you having a good ally. With some tweaks to your play I expect you could get a faster first bruta. Watching speedrunners certainly helped me loads.

P.S. You can surround a link with backticks so you can put the full url in:

I was afraid you were going to say something like this. It’s something I see too often in forums all over the Internet.

So…in other words, it turns out you didn’t actually achieve the claim you made earlier. You were instead embellishing the facts to make your claim more incredible (or “exaggerating” as you prefer to call it).

So according to you, you only got 4 ultimate evolutions instead of the 6 ultimate evolutions you advertised earlier (at least by 11 minutes). So you didn’t even meet the criteria you advertised at first, let alone “easily”. Furthermore, watching the replay, getting even 4 ultimate evolutions, let alone 6, by the 7-minute mark in that Abathur game just wasn’t achievable, period, let alone “easily”.

I just want to ask you, do you think that the reasoning of “oh I was just exaggerating” will make your claim stronger?

Okay I’m just going to give you a little advice: please be fully transparent next time when you’re making a claim as incredible as the one you made earlier. Because if you’re changing your claim ad hoc when people question its validity and then claim you were just “exaggerating” when people realize your claim is false, you can imagine it doesn’t really make your argument look good when you’re relying on the defense of “I was just exaggerating” to avoid taking responsibility for an erroneous claim you make.


i didn’t achieve the criteria of 6 because i only got 4 what else do you call that but exaggeration? the claim is no longer valid.
I am no longer presenting an arguement because i already admitted that the claim is exaggerated and therefore no longer valid and i already provided a replay like so many has asked… how am i not transparent

you literally go around the coop subforum section looking for arguements or to start arguements and people already threatened to report you like one on your post history look at this crap

You’re only being transparent AFTER people realized your claim is bogus. What I’m asking you to do is be transparent before you get to this point. Or do you disagree with this idea?

In fact, I even specified as much in my earlier reply to you.

Take note of the section I bolded. I’m asking you to be transparent with people WHEN you’re making a claim, not AFTER. Because if you’re not being transparent with us when you’re first making a claim (aka if you’re going to be exaggerating the facts when you first make a claim), then that raises questions about trustworthiness.

I think you may have overlooked that section, so it really wasn’t that clear before, it is now.

Anyways, I’m sure you agree that being more trustworthy is better, so if you do, then I don’t see any reason to discuss this further.

I’m going to be honest with you here, I’m confused why you typed this to me and what you were expecting to achieve with this.

People threaten to report me for all kinds of reasons. One guy even threatened to report me because he didn’t like the color of my shirt. (This isn’t a joke, by the way, it actually happened on an old forum I used to go to.) So unless you can point out a rule I’ve broken, I have no reason to be scared of anyone “threatening to report me.”

Call me belligerent if you want, call me argumentative if you want, but being argumentative isn’t a bannable offense. Unless you can show me where in the forum’s Code of Conduct it specifies this, it’s not something that can get someone kicked out of the Blizzard forums. If you hate me because you think I’m argumentative, that’s fine, but unfortunately it’s not something someone can be banned for.

People make empty threats to report people all the time. Doesn’t mean anything if no rules have been broken.

Anyways, this went on a bit longer than I would have liked, so I’ll just end it like this: if you’re embellishing your claims (or “exaggerating” which is the term you seem to prefer), then people will be less likely to wholeheartedly believe what you’re telling them at face value, and anything you say in the future will be less likely to be seen as trustworthy if this “exaggeration” continues. So you can take my advice and stop making similar outlandish claims to “easily get 6 ult evos by 7-11 minutes,” or you can continue making claims like this.

You decide which option you prefer here. Regardless of which option you pick, I wish you well.

because i am being transparent and admit to my claim was exaggerated and invalid, we are already at this point so why would you want to get the the time before? you keep starting crap judging by your post history and you still fail to realize why people treat you like crap is because of your attitude.

i could have never replied or even abandoned the thread but i came back and admitted my mistake and i think that rubs you wrong because you yourself are not transparent and is unable to admit to your own mistake and behavior so hence all the arguing between you and other posters from your own history. you still think the problem is not yourself but other people from the tone of your post.

you of all people do not have the moral high ground to tell me what to do because i at least admit to my own mistake.

i am like a total saint compare to you if we were to judge from post history and forum activity

This is truly limitless.


For me the problem with The Limitless is not the number of brutalisks, but the speed at which you get them. You need to have a good knowledge of where the biomass is just to get a brutalisk, and even then you need much much more of it just to get to the usual 3.

In the end, the ramp up is much slower than Evolution Master and you’re better off just not using this one until the numbers get tweaked. Getting up to 20 ultimate evolutions is nice and all, but the time it takes to get there, your ally would have carried you throughout the whole game before you do it.


I’m not really sure why would you bring someone’s forums history after exposing your own false statement.
Even if he was Hitler this won’t make your so called “exaggeration” any better.


…So in other words, what you’re telling me here is “to0t good, Spohky bad.”

And this is supposed to immediately discredit everything I say apparently.

“to0t good, Spohky bad. Spohky is so much worse compared to to0t. Spohky is just an evil forum dweller who likes to ‘start crap’ and I am a saint compared to him. Therefore the point he makes is invalid because I am so much morally superior to him, Spohky is just evil evil evil.” Great argument you’ve got there.

Interesting reasoning for a saint to be making. It’s also interesting that this saint dedicated his entire response to villainizing me and starting a smear campaign against me, and it’s even more interesting that he sees himself as so much morally superior to me. So that’s the opinion you have of yourself. Interesting.

Anyways, clearly you’re more interested in attacking my personality and completely ignoring any points I’ve been trying to make to you (such as my point about reporting people). I already told you what I wanted to say, which is please don’t embellish your posts like that in the future (or “exaggerate”, whichever term you’d rather use). If you agree with that, then that is an outcome I am satisfied with, I will be elated beyond belief if we see this change reflected in your future posts. So villainize me all you want, but if you stop “exaggerating” in your future posts, I honestly don’t really care how hard you villainize me, that means I got what I wanted from my post to you.

I mean if you weren’t just trying to villainize me all day then maybe this conversation would be somewhat productive. But instead you’re more interesting in telling everyone how you’re so much better than me apparently, and how I’m so much worse than you so my points are apparently immediately invalid. So be it. Good luck with your smear campaign against me.

Remember guys, “to0t good, Spohky bad” according to to0t’s post. Truly a bulletproof argument that Tooty is making here. Round of applause for to0t, everybody.

His reasoning in his post is that apparently I’m morally inferior to him (using my post history as proof apparently) and therefore everything I say is apparently immediately invalid because he’s so much morally superior to me, supposedly.

You’re definitely 100% correct though, che, and you put it in a much better form than I would be able to. So props to you che.

Anyways, I’m not going to try to force someone on the Internet to like me if they’re this determined to villainize me. If to0t really isn’t going to take in anything I say because they think they’re better than me, then why should I waste my time.