Abathur - P1 - Essense Hoarder

Are you really gonna count and calculate every time before launching Corrosive bile? Seriously?
That sounds extremely complicated. I guess its possible, but why would someone do that if you can take Zagara and A-move bane/scourge?

Ignoring context is not really good for discussion. Brutalisk is a frontline shield, not a DPS focused unit.
If you want correct comparison try Alarakā€™s Ascendants. Will you say that 1x10stack Ascendant is as powerful as 2x8stack? I donā€™t think so.

I think 150 would suffice and make more sense.
You have to make real big use on mines too.

It wouldā€™ve been better if biomass effects were doubled, but units could only carry 50 biomass. At least that way you could have 2 max biomass units instead of one compared to P0 and P2 Abathur. Losing UEs is too big of a downside.


I have been playing P2 abathur and its MILES ahead of P1 power-wise.
Early game you got the regular UE that farm biomass and push objectives.

Mid game you have mass Swarm Hosts that are so strong you dont even need the UE anymore.
You can also make Roaches and Ravagers that teleport globally but frankly i did not have any need for them.

After playing P2 the P1 seems like a wimp, a massive downgrade to default abathurā€¦
P1 ruins your early game and slows down biomass farm and its benefits are too slow to develop for it to matter at all.

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