A response to anti-zerg whine during IEM

hydras aren’t bad they’re just mediocre. Just good enough. They need support with other units generally unless you outplay your opponent. They’re not bad units. I said they’re mediocre or sub par. I never said they were bad and if I did I misspoke.

And I’m not whining I’m just saying that the viper nerf will have some effect, it doesn’t matter if it’s for me or for someone else. Why you think only certain MMR matters is beyond me. My point is that people who use vipers may notice the change. It’s not a big deal. I’m just pointing out that it’s a nerf. I still like vipers it doesn’t bother me. Zerg creep tumors were nerfed too I’m not complaining about it I’m just noticing it when I play.

I don’t have to give any examples. I never said I would anyways. If Protoss got less changes than Zerg or Terran as far as buffs go it’s likely because people felt they were overpowered.

I personally feel like the races have been well balanced for a few years now and these miniscule changes don’t really make enough difference too much. We’ll see as the ladder season plays out.

Yeah Lambo and Scarlett said colossus was bad, they also said that the hydra was very meh. I don’t see what the point is in bringing that up. Just because you disagree doesn’t make you right. The hydra is stronger now of course with the buffs. I’m excited to try it out if I need to.

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I Point Out the Double Standard. A unit that gets used in every matchup that Has very high dps and can Attack ground and Air and gets build in massive Numbers is as Bad as the colossus that only gets used in 1 matchup and Just to survive. That doesnt make Sense. Lmao. Imagine building a t3 unit to counter t1 Units. And now Hydra gets Buffed (because the known whiner lambo and Scarlett did the buff) while nothing from protoss got Buffed in a meaningful way.

And No the Hydra is Not Just mediocre. It was already good. Outside of zerg pro Players and zerg whiners who followed the meme people know that the Hydra is actually a good unit.

And the Main reason why i write all this stuff is because you Said all races got buffs and nerfs and we should be Happy and we cant know the Balance. I Challenge you again to present me any protoss buff that has a meaningful Impact to the Game Just Like the Hydra buff. Because that was actually my complaint. Despite zerg being already in a good Spot and protoss being in a Bad Spot zerg got in sum a buff and protoss received a Nerf. And you act Like every Race should be Happy.

This build is obsolete.
Maybe it will work occasionally but generally it is too weak.

Things that work are:

  1. Hellbat push with Marauders with Slow. You however need to make a Viking as first Starport unit to deny scouting, because if Zerg knows what you are going to hit him with than it will not work.
    If it is not scouted you will kill third or maybe even win the game here and now.
  2. A bit outdated but still viable build from ~2019 when when you make 8 hellions, Viking and Liberator, and use them for Harass. Viking deny scouting and force Zerg to move away overlords thus Liberator gets to Zerg undetected, hellions distract Zerg so Liberator often can get drone kills. However the beauty of this build is the follow-up - while you are poking Zerg with harass units you get double medevacs with stim, and then you can harass zerg / deny creep with them while protecting mineral line at your third with hellions (you should not trade them for drones!) while your Liberator goes for a second dive (you should not allow Zerg to kill it during the first harass attempt). And then you either go for 4-th at 7:30 and go standard macro from there or do all-in with 200 tank-marines and 2-2. This is demanding for your multitask - Zerg have easier time in that period - however if you pull it off you just stomp Zerg in mid-late game. Also its vulnerable to Roach pushes.
  3. early 3-CC Banshee play which is modern meta. Point is since your third is so early you don’t need to do that many drone kills to get an advantage. Also Banshees will keep you safe from any Zerg Roach pushes.

Many things are more of a nerf for top zerg than for casual zerg and the other way around some buffs help casual more than top zerg.
Best example: Bl. Mass broodling was removed, meaning a whole mechanic for top zerg players. The speed buff for Bl allows casual zerg to position bl better.

and toss?
just look at Gm ladder filled with toss.
look at tournaments, especially regional, you have the top players and what is filled up with? right mostly Toss.

What toss needs is what zerg got and the other way around. a nerf for casual toss and a buff for top toss.

“filled”. That lead comes especially from chinese server. Its shut down now. Next season luckily the data wont be flawed and we see a huge decline in protoss gm numbers. Finally you whiners will be silenced. Not to mention that the top eu zerg players dont even ladder. Where is lambo, elazer, reynor and serral on the ladder? So…yeah…the numbers actually look fine overall. Kr server is lead by terran, na server is even between terran and toss and eu server is lead by protoss. so i cant see why the gm ladder is filled by protoss.

exactly. I look at them and see that protoss doesnt have a chance at top pro level.

so you agree with me?
thank you.

No, i dont agree with your misleading statement.
Protoss is leading neither.
What we need is core buffs to protoss to make them more stable but in a way that all ins wont get buffed. Which is the main problem if i understood the balance council correctly. They are all pro protoss buffs but they dont know how to do it because this garbage design of protoss lead to hit or miss scenarios.

2/1/1 has recently come back into meta actually, with a modified version that Maru and Byun have played on multiple occasions allowing for a marginally later push in order to get a fast 3rd CC.

How can you do that without directly redesigning gateway units and warpgate itself? The core issue here is that warpgate comes to early and directly influences the strength of gateway units - though to say gateway units are bad is frankly misleading, looking at herO’s mass gateway style plays, which are obviously extremely successful. However, most people don’t have the skill to pull that off, or have yet to adapt to using that style. Which in itself isn’t a problem with the race so much as the player.

Rogue’s ZvT win-rate is bad on small maps, and ZvT is his worst matchup by far. Dark is a much stronger ZvT player. Rogue is 3100 on Aligulac vs T and Dark is 3350. That’s a huge difference. My analysis is much better, and Rogue ranks #8 and Dark ranks #2.

Serral (485): 5.824957
Dark (76): 5.155443
INnoVation (48): 4.275851
Maru (49): 4.081305
Zest (1658): 2.606580
herO (233): 2.471097
Stats (309): 1.013453
Rogue (1662): 0.936411
soO (125): 0.496307
TY (63): 0.284821
PartinG (5): -0.685497
Solar (1793): -0.711255
ByuN (47): -0.908748
Classic (186): -1.372828
Trap (177): -1.606986
Cure (1665): -1.864295
DRG (4): -5.292103
RagnaroK (117): -6.620646
Bunny (1517): -8.083868
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I mean we dont need to buff Gateway Units. We could simply buff the Tech Units.

The colossus for example is Just garbage but Showtime mentioned that they know its garbage but how they gonna Change it ? Revert to pre Lotv? That would be fair but very very lame because now protoss is truly a moving again. Or maybe giving colossus some Kind of siege Mode Like terran Siege Tanks But idk.

They could redesign immortals for example but the fear is that they are again way too Strong in pvp. Because outside of PvP they are straight garbage too.

But yeah its true that another way is to redesign the Warp mechanics. Im all for making protoss less cheesy/all in heavy and giving Them Back some strength.

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Interesting development.

I admit I have not played or watched SC2 since late November due to very large amount of work… Hopefully this avalanche will be over in a ~month…

Here’s hoping man, more sc2 is always a good thing!

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