9-hour Challenge on Void Thrashing



Wasn’t aware that Thrashers could be statis trapped.

Btw, do you recall if the first attack wave was the 3 min or the 4 min variant? And did you later get attack waves every 3-4 mins?

4:00 wave but I don’t think that makes any difference :wink:
From ~31 minute on, I was getting double 7/7 attack waves (basically wave 7+8 combined) every 3 minutes. I think this normally should start at 29 minute (or 27 for the 3:00 first wave), but it’s delayed by time stops.

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So whats the challenge part of doing this on VT?
Do the attack waves constantly get harder over the 9 hours or something?

The challenge is keeping the thrasher and the fortress alive. It has to be repeatedly aggro’d but not killed, or somehow stopped from attacking the fortress.

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Actually, CtG played, as aneroid said, to the 69th attack wave, 2 hr. and 17 minute in-game time. After a while, the attack wave splits, interestingly. I’m guessing it keeps going 'till 9 hours. Sometimes the attack waves arrive late by a minute, if you’re not playing Voruzun that is–but they still spawn.