This is just disgraceful. There is literally nothing that can be done in ZvP. Absolutely impossible to win on equal skills. Shield battery needs to be nerfed so hard or just straight up removed.
Terran is incredibly weak too. The problem is buffing zerg in ZvP while nerfing zerg in ZvT because zerg is currently very favoured in TvZ.
It’s payback time. How do you like the boot on the other foot?
As Zest said: Protoss is not OP. Zerg and terrans Pro’s simply are not at the Protoss level.
We have heard this BS for too long from Zerg/Terran, now we administer them some of their own medicine.
you do realize its absolute horse **** and how ridiculous that is right? Terran players have always been better. Now, right after a patch, out of the sudden, protoss players are just better? Don’t make me laugh…
Toss nerfs and zerg buffs inc, as usual batz right and forum wrong again!
Thats why every terran players best matchup is TvZ.
Thats why 20% of ladder plays zerg and 30% of ladder plays terran.
But, who cares enjoy your TvP, TvT.
The fact alone that Lilblow, the biggest patchprotoss ever in this game has returned to play sc2 should trigger an “Emergency Alert” in b LizarDs HQ.
Goba: “PvZ is Zerg favoured” still!!!
Zerg has for most of sc2 been the least played race while terran has been the most played.
This has nothing to do with ballance.
The baneling and creep nerfs made Terran insanely strong in TvZ. The match up has never been this easy for Terran.
Zerg’s abysmal numbers on ladder are 100% connected to balance. There’s a reason why it’s historically low right now after nerfs in ZvP and ZvT.
4 Zerg players and only 3 maps won from 4 BO5s lol. There’s no wonder Zerg is dead on ladder. This is the worst state the game has ever been in.
https: //www
What abysmal numbers are you talking about?
If we ignore the last 2 days because ladder just reset and unless you think the playerbase suddenly went from 422 775 to 14273 over night all 3 races have been fairly stabile for all of sc2 with some spikes every now and then, yes zerg has had a decline wich seems to have started around end of 2010 while protoss has had been going up in the same period, its not enough to justify it only being because of ballance especially if you also consider zerg won 2 of the 6 tournaments held around when the decline started with 1 of those even being a zvz finals, wich implies zerg was not struggling at top level where ballance is aimed towards.
The decline could be caused by anything from meta shifts to random other factors like concieved ballance without directly being an indicator that the game is imballanced.
Im not saying the game is imballanced in its current state, but the player numbers as a whole for zerg does not imply this especially since the majority of the players in sc2 are not even diamond while ballance does most likely not have a major impact untill maybe master1/gm.
Edit: my bad the decline seem to have started even as early as 2019 and if anyone tries to imply zerg struggled in 2019 thats just laughable.
We’re pretty much back to square one where the forum bots are throwing likes at each other to make it seem like people actually agree with their stance
tHe NuMbErS dOn’T sHoW iMbAlAnCe
The numbers as a whole aka zergs leaving like he implied and i responded to do not show imballance, since the trend started while zerg was doing good.
Good job making a strawman.
keep denying reality, you looker stupider by the day
What reality?
Zergs leaving does not nescesarily need to be linked to ballance since its a trend that looks like it started while zergs where dominating pro scene.
I never commented on protoss being ballanced or imballance so if this is what youre referring to you made a strawman.
The reality that toss is op.
Zergs leaving means nothing by itself, but combined with tournament and gm representation it does mean something.
You said you are not claiming the game is imbalanced, therefore the implication is you believe it is balanced.
Zergs been leaving since 2019 according to overall stats.
So since im missing something, what ballance changes made protoss overpowered in 2019 while zerg was winning premier tournaments more than the other 2 races combined?
Saying that you dont claim a does not automaticly mean youre claiming the opposite of a.
Since you misunderstood im saying: im not saying the game is imballanced or ballanced im simply saying the numbers showing zergs quitting does not seem to be connected to ballance since zerg has been leaving since they where dominating premier tournaments aka when they where considered by many to be overpowered.