5.7~5.8k mmr protoss cheating on ladder/tournaments

http s://sc2pulse.nephest.com/sc2/?type=character&id=9170&m=1#player-stats-mmr

He joined NwAs and have been pretending to be a legit player for months… Even been playing on tournaments and beaten some pro/semi pros too.Everyone i asked says this guy is cheating for sure. Already 3 reports on this guy. Something must be done on this dude quick

There was a protoss in that range called PatchToss back in the day. He even streamed & apparently the hack had a feature where it says “build probe” which I guess happened live on stream.


Might be the same guy. Doing some reading, the program that says “build probe” also has an external minimap hack. I’ve suspected other streamers of using it, too, because there is one that basically never is caught off guard by anything, and he magically makes the right calls like lifting a cc to the high ground right before an attack hits, no warning, or diving his hellions even when ling speed is rushed which is a strange thing to do because it means free hellions unless of course they can see that you don’t have lings.

By contrast when I stream I lost to a diamond league cannon rusher which was unpleasant but you can tell I don’t hack because things like that happen on occasion. You get these streamers who have spidey senses that border on the edge of precognition. They also do it reliably. Not hard to spot the cheaters unfortunately but it’s very hard to prove it. Short of them streaming the hacks, like PatchToss did, it’s basically impossible to catch.

“protoss cheating on ladder/tournaments”

I mean ofc how else would they ever be able to win?

On a serious note. Its a shame that cheating and smurfing is getting more and more rampant :frowning:

I’ve been saying this for years every time I call someone out for cheating, 9/10 times they say “But I stream”. Like people can’t have more than one monitor to display a map hacked version of sc2 on a seperate monitor from the main they’re streaming from.

MaxPax = MapHax. Pretty obvious why the dude doesn’t play offline tournaments.