3 consecutive Blizzcon won by Zerg

cherrypicking hi. hes not talking about one change.

  • creep nerf
  • overlord speed cost nerf
  • new infestor ability atm useless/too bad
  • nydus nerf
  • broodlord nerf

THATS what hes talking about. btw, im NOT saying, that these changes are unnecessary.

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I keep seeing the comparison to the raven. But its not like old raven was in some great spot. For half of sc2 history the only ones who ever used it regularly were ketroc and avilo. Blizzard tried multiple things to make it better and one of those changes (insta-damage aam) was not well thought out and had to be nerfed after like 6 months.

Infestor already got nerfed by the ‘bug fix’ that made IT weaker vs armor.

Now we are looking at:
NP range nerf
IT (great against air and useful vs ground) replaced with dark shroud (useless vs ground and mediocre vs air)
-can’t be cast while burrowed.
-have to research 3 upgrades for infestor to be useful now

and people are pushing for another ‘bug fix’ to the way NP works to make it a lot weaker vs carriers…

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When was the last time anyone here has seen a Protoss or a Zerg player argue against their own race being too weak out of sheer integrity? But Terran players are considered whiners? Give me a break.

Thors in single target mode murder mutas too.

Lol. I thought you weren’t a biased player. But this is so hilarious to keep thinking that.

what he means is he sometimes clicks the wrong spot when using the ‘delete the enemy units’ button.

You can make the infestors waste all of their energy though… So they wouldn’t be completely useless

They do. Go test it. Unit tester with a friend is perfect for this. Just don’t forget the Talons upgrade.

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I was talking about Lurkers. Not sure how Infestors factor in there.

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The dps of thors are vasically exactly the same, how dumb are some people?

Now it scales better with ugprades and overkills less.


It only gets+3(+1 vs massive) instead of +5

that’s more than before

You have failed so hard at math I am shocked.

Seen it from Protoss occasionally. Zerg? Almost never. I do see Habits call out Batz pretty regularly, but he doesn’t really call out whining general. Only when things get to an extreme does he try to taper them back.

more upgrade scaling than before


How is 3(+1 vs massive) more than +5?

It’s 4 (3 and +1 massive) to a base of 35, 4/35 = 11.4% modifier
vs 5/55 = 9.1%.

If you factor in faster firing rate and opponent having equal armor upgrades it comes out to:

old: 55+3x5 - 3 = 67 dmg/1.7sec = 39.4dps
new: 35 + 3x4-3 = 44dmg/.9sec = 48.9dps


Na forget about Skytoss, use disruptors. I know it is hard to use, but it out ranges lurker. one shot winfestor and hydra. The problem is still with SH/Nydus, even with current nerf. Toss ground army just don’t have the speed to move around the map.

Nydus nerf didn’t really nerf anything. If I just drop Nydus worm a bit further not in your base. All I need is 18 seconds, 14 for the worm to pop, 4 second unload 10 SH. The 14 seconds CD doesn’t apply, I don’t have to unload a lot of unit so the nerf in speed doesn’t affect much. Only really nerf is worm cost increased 25/25. Like that really matters, baneling cost more than that, I am getting way more out of a worm than a baneling.

3 Blizzcons or 6 GSLs… which is better?