3 campaigns walkthrough on brutal -my thoughts

Did a full playthrough of all campaign missions for sc2 in the last week or two, including epilogue and prologues. I did them on hard the first time and haven’t replayed them since. I’ve had a good history in 1/1 coop (diamond, can do brutal 6+ with a good partner /can solo brutal +) so it wasn’t necessarily for the challenge

It became apparent throughout how much the quality of the game (story and gameplay) deteriorated as the expansions came into play

WoL was great, had challenging missions, a good story and side characters that you actually cared about (tosh, dr. hasly ) For most missions, you had to think about your tactics and unit comp and it wasn’t just lets mass till 150 supply then roll everyone. The macro sense of terran felt a bit dull at times as most missions you’d be building scvs non stop (it gets slightly easier once you get refineraryies and orbital commands)

Also the tech decisions you had to make had significant trade offs and were permanent so you had to think ahead of what would be best suited for the missions ahead. I throughly enjoyed the story, gameplay, it felt challenging at times and rewarding. Especially the last mission, no matter what preparations you made, the last 3-5 minutes was always a harrowing finish.

Overall Wol was a great campaign, 9/10 im my book.

then came hots, First it was slightly shorter in terms of number of missions, but half the missions it felt were tutorials or dungeon crawler type maps that took less than 10 minutes to complete so a full play through felt a lot less satisfying.

And the story its self was a big meh, yes Kerri is out for revenge, but the drastic change of her character throughout seemed out of line from someone who in the first mission was “thats why you don’t try and control the zerg”… 3 missions later she is killing terran on char… And the story transitions between missions was trash, boring garbage. Literally ever single (non rendered ) cut scene was kerri walking through a door in the levi, speaks with nidaria or zagara, blah blah blah, …–> invade new planet.
the side characters were not compelling and boring (xcept stukov, hes my comrade)

Also the difficulty was… very easy. once kerri gets rolling and leveling, she becomes a early game powerhouse, easily clearing your expo and the first or second obj. Also due to zerg macro mechanics, it was easy to max out at 200 by like 13-14 min on most maps. The one interesting thing was the permanent evolutions that could drastically change your play style or give you a new comp to play around with (like cropser roaches, or combining both zerglings and jumping banelings ).

Overall, I think the customization of kerri/army was the highlight of the gameplay, but the decisions were not as binary or permanent as those in wol, so kind of a mute point.
Also, unlike wol, the ending missions were a complete cakewalk, I believe I full cleared the last one (every single thing dead on map) in about 18 minutes with roach/hydra.

Overall impression, 5/10. Enjoyable at times but cut off at the knees due to too easy gameplay, boring character development and an overall meh story arc.

Now onto lotv, which took my less than 2 sitdowns to beat (id say probably less than 5 hours total, including time spent watching cutsences, customizing the to Soa or my solider assignments.

Again the mission count was less than wol but the difficulty of the missions made some a cake walk and others slightly annoying.

First off, the prologue mission difficulty (of the first two) was a significant step up compared to the others. Both the first and second mission require good unit control, good resource management and aggressive timelines to adhead to. I was pleasantly surprised at the challenge of the prologue and was looking forward to the rest of the missions.

Later on, it became apparent that the campaign was not as good. The permanent choices were gone, everything was adjustable kind of took something away from it. Also the value of one unit assignment compared to the others was very imbalanced for certain units (do you want to have carriers, tempests, or … a mothership-- carriers were clearly better, same with void rays vs destroyer rays vs arbiters, vrays clearly better)

As you play through it, the macro becomes fustrating with how slow probes build and the time it takes for a nexus to build. Once you get chrono wave, probing becomes easier. The extra abilities that you gain from Soa make objectives a lot more trivial, as abilities like solar lance, time stop make entire screens worth of enemy units irrelevant or a burning mess. Overall, I thought the soa aspect was harder to abuse than kerrigan and it did add a layer of resource management. My issue was how stale the optimal unit comps became once you reach certain power spikes when you realize zealot/immortal/archon > all or gain access to vrays.

It was sad once I realized how easy the last half of the campaign got once I resigned myself to only buildling vrays or carriers. I would build other army comps but the missions would take a bit longer because of how trash gateway units are. People on the ladder always discuss or joke about how trash gateway units are (which is half of your ground army) and that protoss relies on power units to win. Well it became apparent early on in the campaign how cost inefficient gateway units are and how they melt to most enemys.

It felt Like i had to sit back longer in my base and max out before moving out, In the other campaigns, I would move out and be aggressive with my units from start to finish, with good mirco to prevent losses, constantly reenforcing or parade pushing. IN lotv, I felt that I had to sit back till 8-10 minutes to mass an army of t2-t3 units so that i wouldnt be stuck going back and forth trying to build up again. Unsupported gateway units are trash and It really made the campaign less fun with the reliance on power units (particuallry the void ray, once unlocked, there was no other reason to build anything else). This is sad, because one of the reason I main protoss in 1v1 is that they are fun to control/micro in all stages of the 1v1 game (early game stalker pusher, oracle control, immo/sentry micro, late game storm/feed back/repoistion stalkers to hit viking etc ect etc). By making toss air, like the vray, so strong in the campaign, it felt like an a move game half the time.

The story of lotv felt disjointed at times, the mission chronological order was weird during playthrough and it felt like you were being jumped around the sector for very little reason. The whole story about the khala being infected by amon, turning/controlling protoss i thought was a cool aspect but the steps that the good guys took in the final missions became irrelevant because, well amon awoke anyway. also, zera dying needlessly felt a little tacted on, for emotional relevance. The main lotv campaign’s story I thought was slightly better than hots but it wasn’t anything special, had poor side character development (beside alarak, hes my boi) and felt like it lacked emotional gravity or consequences

The one plesantly redeeming aspect of the lotv campaigns was the epilogue. i feel like those three missions each were a challenge on brutal and required a committment to a strategy and early game resource management was super important. The first two, were a tough but not unbeatable challenge ( I really enjoyed the expo hoping in the first one). And the last one felt like a rush to play, with limited time/resources yet a s*%3 load of enemies to deal with. unfortunately it can be beaten easily by only building mutas.

the epilogue missions were great, and I felt were my favorite ones out of all 3 campaigns. I even thought the ending of the story was nice, and but a nice bow on everything. I’m a sucker for happy endings but I was satisfied with the end of sc2 story.

For LOTV overall without the epilogue would be 6/10, but with those last three id say 7. I like protoss and it was fun, but the ease of the campaign, combined with boring choices, linear story and overpowered ness of toss air detracted from it.

Just my 2 (maybe 200) cents after spending a lot of time playing the campaign recently.


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Last Epilogue mission is the most boring one of the whole saga next to Maw of the Void.

Just… so… dull…

Which is pity since Essence of Eternity is among the hardest missions with All In, In Utter Darkness, Salvation or End Game.

First mission isn’t that difficult, but it’s lot of fun. Pushing to the Void contamined areas to get resources was enjoyable.

Epilogue is trash storywise. It’s rushed and it leaves way too many vague answers.


well yes, the story itself wasn’t the best, but the ending 3 missions were a good capstone on the gameplay

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Did you like the last one? I find that one extremely dull. Also Phoenix Kerrigan’s skillset is so freaking uninvolved.

I suspect the stories would have been better if the writers weren’t forced to write around or shoehorn the soap opera involving Raynor, Kerry, Mengsk, and Amon.

I got the distinct impression that Blizz were trying to rehash and recapture the magic of SC1, but couldn’t succeed because they had to write a direct sequel and force everyone to team up against the burning legion rather than an original story where they had more freedom.

The subplots involving the politics, rebellions, Tychus, taldarim, Abathur, primal zerg, daelaam, etc sound like they could have fueled campaigns just fine on their own.

Heck, I wouldn’t mind if the protagonists were outright villains who held no illusions otherwise. That would certainly make it easier to justify their actions when they indiscriminately kill people who were just in their way.



Very true.

You can 100% do that on every mission except cutthroat. For the speed achievements on the early missions it’s less than 150 supply, but the concept is the same, just a slightly smaller scale.

I would argue this was a blessing and a curse, since you don’t know whats ahead on your first playthrough remember.

There are certainly ways to make it an easy finish, but yes that missions is well done and very hard. I do kinda wish Kerrigan wasn’t more threatening than her whole swarm combined though…

Amen to that. Too many hero missions.

Abathur was good. And Zagara wasn’t terrible. But Dehaka and Izsha sucked hard.

Heard that before. Sad but true.

Really? Both strains did essentially the exact same thing, just in a different way. I found the choice extremely trivial with the exception of BL/Viper. One of my main complaints in fact was how trivial the difference felt.

Again, I like how you don’t need foreknowledge, and how easy it is to flip around and try everything. Unlike WoL where you are strongly encouraged to just upgrade the generalists: Marines, Marauders, Medics, Tanks, all the buildings, and everything else takes a hard back seat because it’s too situational to invest in.

If you probe perfectly, I can think of only a single map where it’s worth using chrono: last stand (temple). All other ones you are too close to saturated by the time you get enough energy for your first chrono wave.

Solar lance is comedically broken. There is a reason they nerfed it in co-op, along with nerfing the base energy generation of the SoA significantly, as well as buffing Amon to presplit a bit so you couldn’t solo entire waves with a single cast of solar lance.

As someone who has played through the LotV campaign 70+ times, the public favorites are generally not the strongest. For example…

Ok, the tempests were super bad, but the mothership, while slightly less cost efficient than carriers, was WAY more supply efficient. For people who prefer maxing on mostly ground units or like massing voids, the supply efficient mothership is an easy win over carriers. If you want to create a real fleet though, carriers are far superior.

Meanwhile, I found void rays only to be the best if you were going true mass skytoss. Otherwise, however, the don’t really fill a role you can’t fit better with a totally different unit. (Sole exception, mastery achieve on unsealing the past). Personally, I prefer arbiters just because they don’t overlap with other, better units. Also, as a footnote, because the adept shade causes enemies to take a flat+5 from attacks regardless of what is damaging them, destroyer/adept is one of the highest damage comps in the campaign. Not very durable, and kind of annoying to micro, but still pretty cool and better than straight voids.

For some reason, nobody seems to bring up the actually bad units like wrathwalkers and blood hunters. Though even those each have their own tiny niche to fill when put with the right synergy units.

Do you even Vorazun? Both of the viable DTs can be super aggressive almost non-stop from the moment you warp them in, and blink stalkers can do a lot if you are careful. Past that… yeah not much you can do without critical mass. That’s kinda the fault of protoss more than anything. They would have had to give you prisms for it to be any other way.

Oh, you really don’t Vorazun. You think the void ray feeling like that is frustrating, that’s how I feel about DTs, which you can get as literally the first unit you unlock off Auir.

I can definately say immortal/archon is still stronger than skytoss, even in campaign.


True, but he awoke standing in a bunch of giant lasers. If that hadn’t happened, him awaking would have actually been kinda bad.

I thought Fenix was also well done.

Or only roaches, as I discovered the first time I did it. Yes, ONLY roaches and kerrigan.

I found it fun the first time, mostly because I was just goofing off with Kerri (I joined SC2 in LotV, so at that time I still didn’t own HotS). Since that first run, however, it’s very very linear. Massing up a giant zerg deathball on a proper economy is fun, but it gets old quite fast if you don’t have a worthy foe.

There’s a video somewhere on YouTube that summarizes the story. For the the last mission, he said something like “Kerrigan is now god, but still not as strong as 80 mutalisks”

Which I feel is ridiculously true. I mean the mutas won’t kill crystals alone but the stack makes them so easy to kill spawners and constructs and crystals with.

If you actually spam her spells, she is significantly stronger than 80 mutas. Mostly because the mutas just die to the damage aura. Also, lack of AoE makes her not really stronger than when she invaded Korhal.

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There is something I have been wanting to ask top tier player like you for so long. Why do you guys like to play it so quickly? I once team up with a guy who just kill everything alone. I could barely getting my army up before he goes around wiping out everything. I try to help out late game, but by that point we just wait for the objective to be completed. What wrong with slowly taking your time and enjoy the moment? Is it really fun to get it over with as quickly as possible?

(I can barely beat some Brutal solo. Need at least half way decent ally.)

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Mostly it’s because anything that happens before you actually start fighting is very predictable and routine. As soon as the actual fighting starts, that’s what instantly differentiates this run from every other one of the possibly hundreds you have done. Of course, at some point even the early conflict gets routine (i.e. my comment on DTs in LotV, routine becomes rush Dark Shrine, manual cast shadow fury on cooldown to grind through the enemy with invulnerability, rinse repeat), then it becomes a bit trickier to solve.

LOL , i am not top player. I’m good, better than average and just because i have 4k games in 1v1 doesnt mean im top teir in anyway. For things like coop /campaign, I try to min/max my builds to lead to optimal units when i need them, macro when i don’t

I like to rush cause to me, it is a lot funner to have your attention divided, microing small groups of units while building up as opposed to just sitting back.

Its not about finish it fast as possible, its about dominating the mission.

like in my campaign playthrough, I would attempt to fully clear maps even if it wasn’t needed , there is actually some hidden achievements behind it.