2v2 smurf problem

Interesting, I didn’t know smurfing was done in 2v2 as well, but if it’s repeated I guess that’s the very definition of freelosing smurfs.

I see two ways out of it :

  • Currently : deal with it. In other words, in 1v1 work on improving your play, and use riskier tactics when you’ve guessed your opponent is a smurf. In 2v2, the best workaround would be to 2v2 in fixed teams (with one of your clanmates) rather than random teams (which can be rather toxic even smurfing put aside. Some would say true 2v2 coordination can only be reached in fixed teams.

  • The second thing we can do, is talk about it, and hope one day or another it’ll catch the eye of the devs. I have created a thread about smurfing, which gathers definitions, data over the different kinds of smurfs, estimates of their proportions, and some suggestions to fix the issue.

Btw, I the teamgame aspect of it was new to me, so I hope you’re not opposed to the idea of me including some of your input in said thread. :innocent:

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