smurfing (deliberately losing a game to lower your mmr so you can play against easier players) is a problem in 2v2 because the randomly assigned partner also takes a loss and for them it’s unfair and decreases enjoyment of the game sometimes quite significantly. there are players every day who do it repeatedly and it can make it take upwards of 15 minutes to get a proper game.
i suggest a 1-day ban for players leaving within the first 2 minutes, and longer bans for repeat offenders. anyone agree, disagree, or have a better suggestion?
what if your partner looks like a noob
first things first, blizzard needs to give a sh!t about the game
Interesting, I didn’t know smurfing was done in 2v2 as well, but if it’s repeated I guess that’s the very definition of freelosing smurfs.
I see two ways out of it :
Currently : deal with it. In other words, in 1v1 work on improving your play, and use riskier tactics when you’ve guessed your opponent is a smurf. In 2v2, the best workaround would be to 2v2 in fixed teams (with one of your clanmates) rather than random teams (which can be rather toxic even smurfing put aside. Some would say true 2v2 coordination can only be reached in fixed teams.
The second thing we can do, is talk about it, and hope one day or another it’ll catch the eye of the devs. I have created a thread about smurfing, which gathers definitions, data over the different kinds of smurfs, estimates of their proportions, and some suggestions to fix the issue.
Btw, I the teamgame aspect of it was new to me, so I hope you’re not opposed to the idea of me including some of your input in said thread.
If it’s a rare occurrence waiting for 2 minutes doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. If it happens that frequently maybe you should just not play team games since you only get “noob teammate” for some reason.
Leaving game early also creates another tactic which basically turns 2 1 base into 2 base, and provided that the player has enough apm/control group to macro base from an ally properly, his army will explode faster since he doesn’t need to invest twice as much resources into tech climbing.
no its only a problem in 1v1, who cares about team games?
filled with plat leaguers who cant play 1s so they play team games to blame their teammates instead of improving.
Yeah, we’ll just balance whine for 1v1. It’s what the cool kids do anyway.
As written, the issue is players who leave for legitimate reasons. Power outage, ISP/internet, or any other sudden irl issue that pops up.
Not being able to play because of things out of one’s control would just replace one type of frustration with another.
That would be right in case of someone leaving once. But if that individual does freeloses several times in a row, it becomes obvious they’re not having disconnections or a phone call every ten seconds, but are in fact deliberately doing so in order to play lower MMR opponents.
I’ve been studying this phenomenon for a while now, and let me tell you that when I spot that :
there is absolutely no doubt it’s a deliberate behavior.
So an isolated freelose shouldn’t be taken in account, but repeated ones could. I have linked a thread listing others solutions, in my previous message.
nah blizzard wont do anything they dont care about the game itself only tournaments at the highest level of play.
This isn’t a balance related change, but rather a QoL one. And even if for balance related ones, they care mostly about pro-level, that’s not their only input source.
That being said, we definitely want to make it clear that we don’t take Korean pro feedback and then immediately make changes to the game based on it. We do use the feedback to balance against what other pro players, our internal data, and the community are indicating to make the best decisions possible. We see true value in gathering different forms of data and feedback before making a decision. This is why we’re relaying their feedback to you, so that our community also has the tools to look at the big picture before making a conclusion. Few things are more harmful than looking at data from only one source and then making definite conclusions, and we hope that the additional transparency into how KR feedback is gathered provides some additional insight.
They also did QoL changes oriented toward intermediate level players, such as the gates morphing into warpgates automatically, HTs gaining an autoattack. They even once considered buffing the photon cannon against mutalisks. All those would be meaningless at pro level.
and thats exactly why blizzard doesnt care.
this guy said it all here
Man when your ally leaves in 2v2 you can pull some ridiculous cheeses… learn to enjoy it.
I bet u pull ur wire to get that extra cheese.
Team games below master 3 mmr across the board were ruined when they let premade teams have a certain mmr instead of maintaining random mmr even when premade. You can talk about fixes all you want, but these problems have existed for years and no one has any intentions of fixing this problem any time soon.
yes I’m preparing to ladder again as soon as the next season starts. Yes there are tons of smurfs in 2v2. But it’s really the matchmaking system that is the problem because I tend to find that one of my opponents is a bot and just auto quits and then my ally is some diamond troll who doesnt like one thing I do and just quits for no reason basically. So it kind of turns into a 1v1.