2v2 bug - ranks in matchmaking MMR

Seems to be a massive bug in 2v2 ladder where everyone is just getting Masters regardless of MMR. I have like 3k MMR and Masters yet in 3v3 with a team I got Silver and same with 1v1… Happening to a lot of people by the looks!

FiX PlEAsE. I should not have a star if I don’t deserve it ;D

It’s been around for years. You can assume this is normal and intended behavior. Everyone deserves to be in master rank if they still play this game in 2020. One star for you, one star for everyone. Cheers!

Never seen this before. My 2v2 team (roughly 2500 MMR) has faced probably more ‘masters’ this season than any other rank thouhg none of them have even had 3k MMR

Hey Hey,

I had a huge major problem with 2v2 this past week and mismatch my leagues in all levels. I’m in the bronze section only. I only won 2 games and lost 14 games. Better fix this problem cause it’s pretty bad bad. No problem with 3v3 thru 4v4. Thx.

Walter Chow.

Hello Blizzard,

I was playing 2v2 for the past 2 days and it’s good so far. But I have a problem with one player played 2 times to 4 times and uses thors. Don’t know how he built fast. Better check that out. Thx.

Walter Chow

Hey Guy’s,

Too many double with with the same race this season. Too many problems with teams. Hope this gets fixed. Huge problems with this bug. Thx.

Walter Chow