14 game losing streak

Was 50 MMR away from making Masters 3 last week.
Now 1 MMR away from demotion to Diamond 2.

Low point was last night - 14 straight losses

Feels bad man

There is no point to this thread.
I am just venting

When you get to 3 or more consective losses. play some unranked games. Sometimes the night is just not your night.

This usuaally happens to me after a P loss. I get so mad that I start to lose my non PvT. so i walk away until I have a clear mind set and then get back at it.

Well normally if you start losing you will keep it on. So if you’re pursuing ladder climb then you should just stop and take a break.

Update: Holy Smokes, last night and tonight was insane. Went total monstrous 21-2 to break into M3 :smiley:

The secret is to wait till all the Protoss heathens have gone to bed.

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I know the feeling. I’m confused by the average ladder skill in Diamond. I’m in Diamond #3, and some nights I get knocked back into Platinum 3, if not even 2.
Sometimes I think the average skill MMR is obfuscated by who isn’t playing.
I hate to say it but I think my real skill level is Gold or Platinum.

Those who say “I just three raxed my way to Master” or whatever build just to get them there, those guys must just be good and confident enough that once they get there they’ll remain there. Maybe it’s math that grounds their play, i.e. watching their minerals carefully? What are they doing to play in Master league?

Also, then someone on ladder will laugh and say, “you’re still not in Master league?” But I feel like they haven’t run into the players I have. The average skill level varies wildly between players.

Yea, terrans shoud invent a way to inform each-other that the Protoss peril is over (protoss bathing in the moonlight to recover nourishment - they never sleep).
Just like the Air-Alarm during City-Bombardments when Sirens signaled the coming and going danger.

Terrans should build underground shelters…